
How do I deal with a disgusting coworker?

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Guy who sits in the cubicle next to mine is making me crazy. He makes personal calls all day long...I don't know how he gets work done as much as he's on the phone yelling at his kids, checking up on his wife, making appointments. He eats literally about 10 apples a day which is fine if I didn't hear him chewing and slurping and smacking all the time. He doesn't seem to understand that gravity keeps his drink in the glass so he just slurps it up, it's so loud. He tries to talk to me from the cubicle over with his mouth full. I tell him I can't understand him and he just yells. He tries to get everyone else to do his work because he's "under the gun here" then tells them how to do their jobs. He even yelled at me when he was trying to show me how to do something (I was trying to be nice and help!) He makes comments about what I eat (I weigh 105 pounds and he asked me if I should really be eating a donut for breakfast) I don't want to get on his bad side because he's always running to our boss over every little thing. Literally he's driving me insane.




  1. it's time for you to change jobs

  2. You don't have to change your job. There is a co-worker like him on every job. The words that pops into mind for him are crude, rude and offensive. Can you at least change cubicles? If you cannot talk to your boss how about the Personnel Department? Make it private and confidential and let them know it is private and confidential. They may be able to find a solution for you.

    What you are experiencing is a bully who probably does not care too much for woman. What you have is an A-type personality in that cubicle. This type of person is driven, pushy, dominating, insensitive and a prime candidate for a coronary. I'm sure he knows that which is why he eats 10 apples a day. All his yelling with his A-type personality could cause him to stroke-out but that's his problem.

    BTW: People making $10.00 an hour have problems just like you. And, now a days with the economy the way it is even $10.00  an hour jobs are hard to find. We are in a Recession now so no matter what you do it's rough out there.

  3. Being a boss my self , come to your manager and ask to see him in a private meeting and discuss the issue. You should tell your boss as much as you love the job , your neighbor is being really loud and you want to be moved . I am sure he will understand. If he doesn't - the h**l with it , tell him everything. Besides , you don't need to tolerate your co-workers attitude .

    Best of luck .  

  4. 2 things.  One you need to stand up for yourself and say something.  If you do it in professional ways then you won't get into trouble.  2 you need to let your boss know that either you move or he does.  You cannot concentrate and be effective with his behavior all day.  I have worked in office with cubicles for ages and I can tell you that nothing will happen until you do these 2 things.

  5. lol x]...i lol & u do the same, just lol at him and ignore him like he'd be unimportant bug and nuisance, just feel like u know better and u don't have to listen to him, like that..

  6. just smile at him.

  7. Hang in there... the boss or upper management will soon see what you see.  He eventually will hang himself and go away.  What I did was discreetly take detailed notes, dates/ times, behaviors, discrepancies, problems associated with someone.  I was asked one day by one of the big wigs if I noticed anything unusual, I asked for my name to remain annonymous and handed him a notebook.  This somebosy was "let go" in a matter of days.  

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