
How do I deal with a lazy/ unclean roommate

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Me, and my roommate been roommates since Jan. 2007. Thankfully he moves out in December. Ok here is the problem. He makes $22 hour, I make 8.75/hour, I know that shoudln't matter, but here it goes.

In the past year and a half, he has cleaned the bathroom 2 times, I do all the cleaning. He has a cat, who I love very much, and it has fleas again, (the first time we figured out they came from his gf's dogs - who go outside at their house), well this time, Im covered in flea bites - 96 flea bites. I told him to clean the cat. Last night, he told me he only does laundry with me to help me out, since he can always go to his gf's to do his. So this morning (Saturday), I took a cab to the laundry mat, and a cab home, cost me 15 dollars, and then laundry money, and I even bought him bug spray for the fleas, and this afternoon I bathed the cat, which he won't do cause he says the cat will scratch him.

So when I got home from laundry 9:30 a.m., he says "I disinfected your room", I said "Where, how", he said "With cat spray".. OK WTF, if you're going to disinfect something use a furniture polish or something. His idea of cleaning is vacumming. He cleans the cat litter box out every 3 weeks.

Im just fed up, with my crappy job, then coming home to a peice of **** apartment. 7 weeks ago, I stopped cleaning, the house is filthy, I clean little things. But the majority I have stopped, but he hasn't cleaned anything.

What do I do? Our cable bill that is in his name (consists of phone, cable, int. ), he says hasn't come yet for July? Yet I received July's hydro, and august's hydro bill already.

Back last January, I even stopped doing laundry with him, I resorted to doing my laundry in the bath tub.

He argued with me one day that "You eat all the pork chops (we split grocery bill), I came home a couple times wanting to make them and there were none", In 2 years almost living together, I have seen him eat pork chops 1 time. His idea of dinner is McDonalds, or mini pizzas or whatever.

He complained to me last week that his gf's parents think he is selfish towards his gf, and controlling. He asked me, and I said "You are, when you pat her on the head like a dog, that is retarded, u treat her like she is a baby (hence she could be, she is 24, and miss priss, virgin till 24, etc etc etc), But he responds to me, "But she likes me patting her on the head"

We made an agreement that we not put our computers in the living room, they go in bedrooms, well in April he bought a 60 inch tv for his bedroom, and put his computer in the living room. I confronted him on it, and told him to take it out (after i dind't talk to him for a week in June), he said he would, he never did)

I'd say since about March, I have came to realize I can't wait until he moves out. (he and his gf are moving to Toronto where he works) - Drives from London everyday.

My landlord is cool, and told me, he will drop my rent 50 bucks to help me out. But I just don't see how things are fair.

Any suggestions on what I should do?




  1. I had an ex boyfriend who did this when I lived with him.  I stopped cleaning HIS stuff.  I also let the dishes sit for a week and then tossed them out one plate at a time,  I didn't vacuum except my room, I dusted my room,  I did my OWN laundry.  

    I moved out shortly after, but this man was a complete pig.  He had a mom who literally ran behind him with a dustpan or whatever.. he had no clue how to keep his home clean.  

    May I suggest you keep only your things clean.  The cat box can be a health hazard as is the flea bites.  Consider getting a better job and your own pad... or rent a room anything just get away from this filthy person.  

  2. Offer him to make all the cleaning yourself but he would have to pay you a fee. Start charging him a fee since is not willing to help.

    Most people prefer to pay than helping with house chores.

    December is near. It's only 4 months and he would be gone.

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