
How do I deal with a mother in law from h**l?

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This woman is worse that the dad from ' meet the fockers'. Not only that ,but he is a mama's boy. Recently, he was rushed to the hospital for over dosing on pills because we argued, along with a surgery that he need to be done. Anyways, he has been in the hospital for a week. He is getting better, and realizes what he did was dumb. He mother blames me for him taking the pills. She keeps interrogating me. Its freaking me out and stressing me out. There is not a day that goes by with out her reminding me of how angry she is with me. It has always been like that. When ever we get in to an arguement she blames me, even if he started it. He is a grown man, and she babies him to death. It is sick. She contantly reminds me that she is his mother and I am just a piece of a@# to him. She has told me that I am fat and ugly. She will be nice to me in from of everyone, them slam me when no one is in the room. She is evil. She always talks bad about everyone behind their back. She is a very bitter woman. She nit picks every little thing. She can hold a grudge form 20 years back. She will be nice to you, then treat you bad . The only other person who understand is one of the brother's wife. She is been with the man for like 18 years, and mother has always been a b@#$% to her. No one will ever be good enough for her sons. She wont let them go, and has caused divorces. Shen told me if I told my boyfriend how mean she has been to me, that she would do everything she could to break us up. She is proud of the fact that she has done it before. The list goes on and on.I know she will never like me and I don't care. I just want her to leave us alone. My boyfriend and I have a lot of love for each other and want to. He just has to stop calling mama. I can't stand her. She is like a tick that gets under the skin. I am already stressed about him being in there. Unfortunately, he requested that I stay with her so I have to. She wont stop abusing me.




  1. You can't change her, and she's not interested in changing, so she's not going to change. And it's just about a sure thing that the overgrown child you're with isn't going to change and suddenly put his mother in her place. Leaves you with the choice. Live with it until she dies or bail out. Personally, I wouldn't sacrifice the rest of my life for either of these wastes of space. But that's just me. Some people need to feel abused to feel anything.  

  2. Well, you have a couple of options..(A) You Already know he is a Mama's boy...Can you break his "habit?"  Only if you move to another country...(B) You know she is a "Controlling" Beast...How FAR are you willing to go in this relationship?  You have to make serious choices...I would not stay in this relationship but if you do decide to stay..I would Stand up to her, Stand my ground and get a Backbone!! Nobody likes a Bully and she is going to be a bully to you and your relationship, if you allow it...I would change my telephone number and not be "nice" to her anymore...She sounds like an EVIL, miserable person....The fruit does not fall far from the tree...Make choices based on your happiness, not her or your boyfriend....Good Luck!!

  3. I almost married my first love and lemme tell you, his mother and I had that exact same relationship. I think you need to seriously kick back and put everything into perspective. How MUCH do you love your man? Is it enough to over power your hate for his psycho mom? If you don't, tell em' both to kick rocks and take a flyin leap off a bridge. However, if you do love him unconditionally, thats when **** gets tricky...You'll have to sit him down and tell him exactly what you feel and details WITHOUT BEING DEFENSIVE, just explain to him whats going on. Don't cry and make a big deal and fling **** and call her a c*nt. That is not going to help any of you in the long run.

    Girl, I just reread this, and ya know what?

    **** what I said, there is NO d**k on this planet THAT good.

    So, you should like, move across town, break up with the dude and then just simply look at his mother when you accidently bump into her at the grocery store and be like; "You! I f*cked the d*gsh*t out of your kid...Sucks to be fat and ugly huh?!"

  4. i have the same problem! I cant stand her.  Personally what i found is that you have to big a b*tch back to her! I have been pushed around for over 2 year (at first she was nice to me).  If she gives me c**p about anything i just tell her how it is.  Tell her to f*ck off.  I found that no matter how nice you try to be or how much you try to avoid her she is gonna haunt your life no matter what.  Stand up for yourself, trust me it will work things out.  Either his mother will be knocked down a few pegs or your b/f will relieze what a contrl freak she is

  5. First off, she is not your mother in law.  You're not married to her son so that makes her your boyfriend's mother.  If she bothers you, stay away from her.  It's that simple.  When she begins saying things you don't want to hear you need to tell her that you will not communicate with her if she can't offer a positive conversation.  Then leave her presence.  As long as you stand there and listen/defend yourself/argue, she will continue to dish it out.

    Now... you and your boyfriend need to get into counseling.  Whenever a relationship reaches a point at which one person attempts suicide, there are issues that need to be addressed.  You can't just blow this off because he said he knows it was stupid.

  6. Ok, so I am confused. Are you married or not?

    Secondly, it sounds as if you are getting yourself involved with A LOT of drama with this family. Your hubby/BF or whatever overdosed on pills? That is not normal. He won't stand up for you, but you say he loves you. I say run far & fast now before you are in it for the long haul.

  7. if you put up with it she will continue to do it...its your choice...I wouldn't stay with her...after this emergency was over I would tell him that me and his mother is over for now and forever and he could except that or NOT!..your and his relationship has nothing to do with his mother....if he don't agree...I would blow away like the wind..too many other  non mama boys out there...unless of course you like drama for the rest of your life...

  8. well first of all she isn't your mother in law yet and that does make a difference (not that it means she has a right to treat you that way)

    But not being the wife limits your rights

    I see two avenues you could take

    1. tell your man everything that has happened and tell him that you need him to stand up to her and defend you

    2.- the one I think is more appropriate- you need to find a way to take her power- and in that I mean- don't let anything she says or does effect you (as much as possible at least) if you treat everything she does like it's a big deal it will be a big deal and she'll get just what she wants but if she isn't able to get a reaction out of you the game will stop being fun for her and she'll stop. Ignore her comments- just smile and pretend you don't hear her - just don't let her get you in to her drama

    I have gone down this road twice and I found that option 2 works by far the best- getting your man in the middle just makes everything more of a nightmare. if you refuse to engage then not only is she the only one looking like a jerk but you will remain blameless and not give her any ammo

  9. Kill her with kindness. Always smile and be the better person. It will eventually drive her nuts.Try not to ever let her see that she is getting the better of you.

  10. I believe they make small recorders. Maybe you should record how she treats you and play it to your husband. If he doesn't see anything wrong, then maybe you should take a relationship break to think about him and his mother.

  11. Personally, I am a fan of the strapping her to the front of a moving train thing. However that's not realistic so you'll just have to tell her off or get someone close to her like her son to tell her off for you. You might just want to stay out of the line of fire though.

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