
How do I deal with a teacher?

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Lots of the teachers in my school, (Shanghai High School International Division) teach the traditional Chinese way. Read stuff, memorize it, read stuff, memorize it. It gives me headaches all the time. Of course, the teachers don't believe that. I have tried to resist and sometimes I will suggest different teaching methods, but the teacher never listens (probably because I'm not exactly a star pupil.)

What would you do?




  1. Teachers are supposed to be able to teach using different methods.  What works for one student will not necessarily work for another student.  Teachers know this (as a teacher myself) and know that all students learn differently.  If your teacher wants to be effective, then they need to take your feedback into consideration.  Since you have already talked to them, the next step that I would take would be to talk to either another teacher that you feel you can talk to or go to speak with your principal.  Good luck!

  2. i'm argentinian, and i'm 12 years old. i've always been the best pupil in my class(although i have moved school five times). teachers always listen ot me. besides, once i designed and gave the idea for a whole party. the school stopped for three days, just because i said to.  i just think i deserved it, 'cuz i love being the "favourite of the teachers"

  3. Well, since speaking with your teacher did not help on the matter, I would try speaking to the pricipal of the school. Even your parents as well. I wouldn't stop until I was heard. That isn't right. If you are having trouble learning a certain way, they should change some of their methods to help you. If they really carried about you getting an education, then they would be trying to help you out.

    Hope this helps!

  4. Do you mean you get actual, physical headaches from too much reading? If so, then you might very well have a vision problem - get your eyes checked.

    If you just mean that that style of teaching doesn't work for you, you might be out of luck. It's not just Chinese teachers that are stuck on rote memorization as the "right way" to teach. We've got a lot like that in the USA, as well.

    Any chance your parents would be willing/able to send you to a different school?

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