
How do I deal with a teacher that is very inconsistant?

by Guest44894  |  earlier

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My daughter does well, but is far from doing her best. She does homework then misplaces it before turning it in. Part of the problem is the teacher will only accept homework if it has been graded (he doesn't grade, the kids do). I have tried working with her to use her Planner more and to only put homework in her turn-in folder. She "forgets" or is too lazy to put it in there. This is a constant struggle since her teacher thinks he is a god and thinks kids learn everything by being allowed to get a bad grade....(then he pads them so he looks like a better teacher than he is!) HELP, her dad is on my case because of course he take the teachers side he has never met.

It seems I am constantly grounding her from other things because of this problem, but it continues.




  1. You don't like this teacher very much, but if your daughter still has several months with him then you're going to have to put your likes/dislikes aside and try to solve the problem without creating new ones. Try assuming the teacher and everyone else is on your daughter's side and trying to find ways to motivate her.  Getting into a negative sort of spiral with the teacher will not solve the problem nor will just immediately going over the teacher's head and reporting him (for what?  having specific expectations for the quality of homework his students turn in? How do you know he pads grades? The big ego is usually covering a potentially insecure person, maybe? )

    Regardless of the quality of the teacher, your daughter needs a way to take responsibility for her own learning and organization.  If you talk to the teacher, try to be non-confrontational.  Anger and judgement will not really do anything but possibly make things worse. Instead focus on trying to find a solution for your daughter.  I think you may still have quite a few options for helping her to get organized.  You didn't mention any sorts of positive reinforcement methods (like earning something for doing her job's not's making the job relevant to her in some way).  Mostly it sounds like you really need to have a positive chat with the teacher.  Good luck!

  2. how old is she? Mine are 8 (9 tomorrow!!!) and they would forget their heads if they wern't screwed on.

  3. can't you just make it part of the routine in the morning before school to have her check if her homework is in her turn-in folder? same as making sure her teeth are brushed? eventually it will become a habit.

  4. Set up a meeting with the teacher, you, your daughter and her dad.  Ask the teacher for a specfic recommendation on how your daughter should organize her work and her papers. This way you're all on the same page and some of the accountability is placed back on the teacher.

  5. Report them to principle or county school board

  6. I don't understand why you are blaming the teacher for your child being irresponsible.  It won't help your child for you to complain about the teacher.  Parents are very willing to blame the teachers for everything instead of teaching their child to be organized.  Someone suggested that you check her homework in the morning, make sure it's in the correct folder, etc...  The teacher has enough students to worry about and he should not be expected to go through her backpack each morning because she "forgot."  Obviously the rest of the class is able to hand in their homework.  I teach special education students, grades k-1-2, and they keep track of their own homework folders.  You are making excuses and being unfair to the teacher.

  7. That is silly, the teacher doesn't seem to want to work with you or your child. We had a similar issue with my daughter but the teacher worked with us and knew we were really trying. She's in 3rd grade by the way. And this year they really expect the kids to be more independent than most are prepared to be. If the teacher is not willing to assist you and your child I would go to the principal and have a discussion about what you are upset about. If it still continues and the teacher is not helping perhaps you need to have her in another class where a teacher can help "teach" her to be more independent in turning in work. I would also be concerned that the children are grading papers. How much does this happen? Sounds like his job is a little too easy for him if the other kids are doing most of it!

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