
How do I deal with a tightwad Boyfriend?

by Guest65357  |  earlier

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I've been dating a guy for 5months and it's going great. The only problem is that he's tight. We go dutch on dinners and trips. I feel like I'm always pulling out my wallet. I'm starting to feel broke! I hate that this is an issue because I do care for him but I had to pay my half of my birthday dinner. We make the same in salary. Am I trippin?




  1. That's not being tightwad.  That's more of a "what's mine is mine and what's yours is yours" attitude about money.  (If he was a tightwad, you would have gone to McDonald's for your birthday.)  Pardon me for saying it, but you also sound like you want him to pay for all your stuff.  Nothing wrong with going dutch.  If you can't afford to go dutch, then eat at home with him.  Besides, if you have the same salary, he must feel like he is going broke too.  I don't know... this post just sounds like someone who is upset that her boyfriend isn't paying all the bills.  Granted he should have paid for your birthday dinner, but he shouldn't be expected to pay for everything else just because he is a man.

  2. This is pretty common. You may care for him right now, but take his tightwad ways as a warning. If you should ever think of marrying this guy, you'll have a lifetime of this behavior. If he's like this while you're dating, I guarantee he'll be 10 times tighter if you marry him. I could list a hundred ways my ex was "careful' with his money. I got really tired of it and that's why he's the ex.  

  3. Picture being his wife. Do you like what you see? If not, dump him.

  4. paying half your birthday dinner is a little far but why should a guy have to go broke when u have ur own money

  5. Ah well, we demand feminism and this is the price!  Wait and see on this one, if you start living together and you find you are paying all the food bills or all the electric, then that becomes a problem.  Or if when it comes to birthdays and that he gets you an ironing board cover or something, then its worrying.

  6. Whoa  making you pay for your own birthday dinner is really a low blow.  If he cannot afford to take you out once in a while I think I would find another boyfriend.  I

  7. From personal experience:  this will never change.  Get out now, while you can.  

  8. Your a leech - the relationship has nowhere to go if all you are after is money - come on do the decent thing and part company with him and let him find real love!!!

  9. Maybe he has expenses you're unaware of, making the same salary doesn't mean you have the same cash flow.

    Although making you pay half your birthday dinner, that's just wrong.

  10. dump em. real men pay for their women

  11. No you are not tripping. That ain't cute girlfriend..You paid half of your birthday dinner ? Oh h**l no. Dump his a** asap he will always be el cheapo... I have a cousin just like you BF guess what ? Every woman dump him like hot potato... It will Not get better... I welcome the thumbs down... bring it

  12. You need a different boyfriend.  He will never change.

  13. Maybe he doesn't consider himself your boyfriend. Maybe he has expenses he has to pay off.

    Why don't you just tell him you can't afford to eat out so much.

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