
How do I deal with a work colleague who is demanding that I be fired?

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How do I deal with a work colleague who is demanding that I be fired?




  1. agree with others . talk to your boss......

  2. Totally agree 100% with user 'Tanya Pants ' - talk to your boss and be professional.

    Good Luck with it all.

  3. I think you do same to him.It's better.

  4. Hi there,

    I agree about talking to your boss - remember though to be professional, don't get angry or accuse the other person.  Be calm and ask your boss to give you some guidance how to deal with the situation - that always works well in your favour.

    I also heard about this website - it may have some helpful info for you, there are tons of links about bullying in Australia :

    It really does help to have as much information as possible about the situation and know your rights, so good luck with this.


  5. Talk to your boss about it. Be professional about it. Ask your boss if he or she is having any problems with your performance. Let them know you are aware of the other person's complaints and get your boss's take on the situation.

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