
How do I deal with arguing parents?

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I know that this is most likely a question that is asked often, but how do I deal with parents that argue continuously? I realize that there's not much I can do but I still want to be able to lead at least a semi-normal life. I can't do that now because my parents argue late at night and this results in me being sleep-deprived. I can't find anyway to fix this short of getting them to completely stop arguing. I have very sharp hearing so even if they argue in the basement, I can still hear it upstairs. I don't think a letter would work since they probably wouldn't listen. I really want to find a way to deal with this since I think that it's really having a negative impact on me. Right now, probably as a result of their arguing, I'm very cautious about people and I don't want to form any kind of relationship with anyone. Please help?




  1. I know this is hard to deal with.  Go buy you some earplugs.  Maybe that will help with the noise.  Or just run upstairs one night and say please please stop I need to sleep this isnt fair.  Dont get into the arguments with them or take sides.  This will make matters worse and if they want to discuss their problems with you tell them to confide in a friend that you are upset enough and cant take anymore.  

  2. I'm sorry to hear that your going through that! Obviously I don't know your parents but I bet they would listen if you confronted them. Talking to them individually or together ( w/e makes you feel more comfortable) and explain to them the same way that you explained on here. Honestly as adults they should know better, but sometimes even adults get swept away in their emotions.

    I know it probably seems like they would listen but I think even a letter would be a good way to let them know how you really feel.

    I hope that helps a little bit!  

  3. Writing a letter to one or the other or both is a terrific idea. You have your own answer. Letters are a great way to communicate your feelings, because trying to talk to them will only cause an argument most likely. Move quickly on this and don't waste anymore of your precious life!

    If you are in school talk with the school councilor. There are free counciling agencys also. Even get online to a dr. forum about this. Having worked with problem kids myself, i see that it stems from the family. You seem like a very kind and smart person. I am sure you will find a way, but remember this.........IF NOTHIN CHANGES, THEN NOTHIN CHANGES..........It is not up to you to change them but you can certainly plant a seed.  

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