
How do I deal with having such a disgusting brother ? ?

by  |  earlier

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He's always touching his p***s.

It's disgusting.

He makes no attempt to hide it either. He will openly stand in the kitchen or lay on the sofa with his hands down his pants. It disgusts me. When he leans over or bends down, his hands will be on his p***s.

Why ? He doesn't even wash his hands before touching himself !

To make matters worse, his hygiene is appalling. He showers regularly but he does such unhygienic thing like coming in after work and hugging me without washing his hands first.

Eating food before washing his hands ( the most disgusting one I can think of is when he eats cereal out of the box, without washing his hands )

Coming home after training ( he's a boxer ) and laying all over my bed. Sweat and blood. Yuck !

Touching my things with dirty sweaty hands.

I love him but his annoying little habits p**s me off so much. Grrr.

Has anyone got any ideas with coping with it ?

He's moving out soon. God help his poor ( pregnant ) girlfriend.




  1. my gross bro does almost the exact same thing... it disgusts me as well... yeugh... anyways, try just telling him you are really grossed out about all this, maybe he wont change everything, but it  may help... good luck, both you and his poor girlfriend

  2. Umm....After reading this, I feel as though I've stepped into some weird alternate universe. That is really the most revolting and unhealthy thing I've read in a long time.

    It is totally unacceptable for a guy to be touching his p***s in front of his sister. He is either somewhat intellectually disabled or has some sort of personality disorder, eg. possibly is a psychopath or something similar. Without knowing what other sick things he does, it's hard to be sure.

    I also have to question why he feels the need to be hugging you after coming home from work (unless he's been gone for a week), and why he is lying on your bed. Honestly, you need to be careful of him. He seems to have an attraction to you that brothers should not have.

    I think you need to tell your parents about the fact that he's touching his p***s in your presence. I'm not sure whether you realise just how inappropriate that is, and that it is probably signifying that he's thinking thoughts that he shouldn't be thinking about you.

    I would suggest telling him not to hug you or lie on your bed any more. If he won't listen to you, I think your parents should be speaking to him about it.

    Good luck. I think you're really going to need it.

  3. hi

      just tell him i'm sure he'd rather know how you feel then you feeling this way. Then when he does move in with his girlfriend he will be more aware and do something about it

    good luck  

  4. Tell your parents as it seems he is too comfortable around you. You could always lock your bedroom door, put your cereal away so he can't find it and shun a sweaty, bloody hug. He knows he is gross and is teasing you with it. Tell him to knock it off or your going to the parents.

  5. LOL oh yeah.

    that should work

    the pepper thing that is.

  6. at night cut open a habeneiro pepper and rub it all over his hands while hes this until he stops being so nasty...and as for the food hide some of your own stuff that u want him to not eat

  7. hes fixin to move out quit being a baby all boys do that

  8. Thank goodness it is your brother and not your boyfriend. You would really be grossed out.  

  9. his proudness tells him to act like he wants

    if you want to do anything

    dont be scared

    face him and defeat him good luck

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