
How do I deal with locals?

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I'm heading out to a spot that I haven't gone to before, but I've heard the locals can get pretty in-your-face. I don't have a buddy or anything out there with me either. Any advice for my first time having to deal with a harsh local scene out at the line up?

Should I even try talking to anyone?




  1. I guess what it boils down to is the badly do you need to go there? If the waves aren't 'some ono', they going wonder what you're doing there. You can try what we do when we hear that Tiger's have been sparked in the area...six pack of St. Pauli Gurlz, best shark repellent there is!

  2. i would be next to them and if you take the same wave as you just talk back to them bc surfing is pretty much take your own wave you don't take turns. but you better know how to ride if you are going to talk back. if you suck and talk back you will for sure get laughed at.

  3. Its always best to go with someone else but if u can't then just try to be polite and don't snake anybody or something like that. there is really no need to talk to anybody but if they talk to u talk back

    Good Luck!

  4. Depends on where you are. I can tell you if your in Hawaii the true local spots are for locals only, and I don't reccomend going without a local. I am Hawaiian, but I was not born or raised there, my dad was, so there are some places I cant even go without him or my family that lives there. Just the way it is man. I dont think its a bad thing at all though. I think they have every right to protect any local places that are left. And that goes for everywhere, Cali., Hawaii, Australia...

  5. buy them a drink or two.

  6. It's like any other sport when you are out of your patch. Play it by ear, if locals want to talk, join in. I find it unlikely that you will have the **** beaten out of you. It's probably as usual, one or two got the rest a bad name. Just do it!

  7. a shoot gun would do the trick...

  8. Show some respect and practice surfers etiquette. you shouldn't have any problems.

  9. Paddle out and be the farthest one out. Be the first up and the deepest on the wave and no one can say anything. Just dont drop in on anyone unless you can take um. Or just surf some place less agro.

  10. Don't paddle for the waves they paddle for. Play it cool and wait.  Keep your distance. If you don't crowd them and wait you might catch a great opportunity at the end of the set. They'll see you ride it while they are paddling back out and be stoked for you. Good rule: If they see you surf from the front, they're stoked for you. If they see you from the back, they're more prone to be jealous.

    Bring a bag of sugar in case they kick you out so you can pour it in their gas tanks! Just kidding. Don't do that, it's not right and might get you killed.

  11. Before you paddle out spend some time watching the line up.  See if there is some sort of priority system working where people are working through taking turns getting waves.  Look for who rips and who doesn't.  If people are yelling each other off waves without you out there go find another spot, or at least avoid those guys.  When you paddle out, paddle out to the shoulder and start catching waves there.  Work your way to the peak and see if they start including you in their rotation.

    You can pretty much sum it up in one word RESPECT.

  12. just play it cool and don't talk to anyone

    if they choose then go ahead but just play it cool

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