
How do I deal with mean peers?

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There are several kids at my school that do not like me and enjoy calling me "g*y" and telling me I like men. That is totally not true, and I don't do anything to make them say things like that.

Today was my first day of 8th grade, and we got new lockers. I just so happen to be two lockers away from a kid that is like ones I described above. When he first saw me at my locker, he came over and said, "Aww, it's you. You ride my bus." (it was usually on the bus that he made mean comments about me) He is also in several of my classes this year.

I'm am so worried that he and other kids like him will tell me I am g*y, etc. like they did last year. How can I avoid confronting these kids and deal with them if they do happen to talk to me?

Please help, I'm really sick of this happening to me.





  1. ignore them and hang with your friends and if 1 does get in your face get in theirs worked for me. Listen if they don't stop stand up to them you don't even have to put up much of a fight to get them to stop, but try to avoid fighting especially if you are on the small size

  2. Blake I really think you should talk to your parents  a older sibling the teachers principal or just tell them to back off.. Don't let their remarks get to you, when people have issues they try to bring ppl down to build themselves up... If all this don't work I really think you should make a police report.. The easiest thing for these good for nothing kids to say is someone is g*y.. Some how I think you know God pray and ask him for direction... God bless you and I'll keep you in prayer.. Good luck

  3. Just learn to laugh at yourself. If they think you're g*y, maybe they're hitting on you? Just clown around with them and keep remembering that you're just clownin around and you'll find these people will accept you and like you. They only make fun of you because they get a negative reaction. The trick is to give them a positive reaction. Remember: It's not a big deal that people make fun of you. People make fun of other people all the time. Just learn to laugh at yourself. Understand their sense of humor and where they are coming from.

  4. Just be sarcastic.  Don't show that it gets to you.  And if you have to fight, don't be afraid to.

  5. I know that kids can be super mean sometimes and since I am around your age I know how silly and immature they are.  I wish I could give you a perfect solution that would fix the problem, but there have been, will, and will always be mean kids.  The best way to solve the problem in my opinion, is just to completely tune them out and ignore them.  If they can't get your attention they will eventually get bored of teasing you.  All that matters is that you know the truth and truthfully who cares what they think.  Just stay true to yourself and don't listen to those around you who are immature. Good Luck!!

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