
How do I deal with moaning neighbours?

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Ok i have this neighbour, always moaning and banging on the wall when i have my music on at ANY volume thats actually audible, and at any time of the day. Its down right annoying, cant even do what i want in my own home.

I have my music on normal volume, and sometimes loud, and he bangs and bangs, and this is the middle of the day. Its not like i have it on like this at 2 am and he still moans.

Seriously, the guy is a wack job, he moans and b*****s about pretty much everything, especially music the most.

I need to know how i can deal with this t**t without resulting to headphones/no music whatsoever.




  1. You can always chose to move to a different neighborhood. Then maybe the neighbors could be worse.    

  2. i've been there and no all about neighbors like that and all u reallly can do is move

  3. turn it up louder?

  4. Why don't you talk to him?  Are you too good for that, or maybe you're afraid of him.  Anyway, he is entitled to his peace as much as you are to your radio, so try to be an adult and work it out with him.  Oh, and you might try moving the radio so the common wall get no, or less vibrations, since that what causes the noise.  Or maybe stop playing that trash you call music and listen to truly good music.

  5. as long as it aint on all day every day he cant do anything

  6. I think you should try to sit down and talk with the guy, but it seems as though he might be difficult to have a mature conversation with. I'd write him a letter explaining that you understand that he is obviously annoyed with your music, but that you are in your own home minding your own business. Explain that you think you're playing it at reasonable hours, and at an acceptable volume. Make it clear that him banging is just as annoying to you and that clearly a compromise needs to be met. It might not even be the noise that bothers him as much as the genres of music you are playing. As long as you're calm and don't sound confrontational in your letter, hopefully his response will allow you both to come to an agreement. I know it's not the solution you're looking for, but maybe if you agree to only play music during specific hours you wouldn't end up having to wear headphones. In the end it is your own space and if you are keeping it at a normal volume it shouldn't be bothering him this much. Good luck!

  7. you are disturbing somebody else's peace

    you are probably wrecking his life, i hope he calls the police and has you evicted whatever.

    how selfish are you?

    would you like it if he decided to take a **** on your doorstep everyday?

  8. Ignore him totally....when he speaks to you look through him like he isn't there.when he bangs the wall bang it back,convince him he's lost the'll soon stop.If it doesn't poo on his front doorstep.

  9. Make friends with him.

  10. i would ither turn it up louder, or go round hes and bang on hes front door to stop banging on the walls.

    doesn't this man go out of hes house or some thing ?

    sounds like a neighbour from h**l.

    i had the exact same problem with people round my street, i must have 4 old people knocking at my door to turn the volume down and it wasn't even loud.

    all i did was turn it up louder.

    i understand if you was doing it late at night, because tthat's plain rude.

    but still theres no need to bang on peoples walls, personally like i have just said i would go round there house and bang on there front door, or ither turn the music up louder or bang back harder on the wall :D.

    he should stop.

    the police wont do nothing if its during the day i have had it before and they said to the people who was complaing it was at a reasonable level.

    and that they would take action if it was after midnight.

    just have fun and egnore the grumpy old git :)

  11. Well if its during the day he cant really complain. If it was at 2am I could understand. Just turn it up louder everytime he bangs. Then when he leaves it a few minutes turn it back down. Hopefully you will "train" him to stop banging!

  12. I use headphones, so no moaning or banging.

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