She is younger than her sister by one minute. I am not sure if this plays a role in it or not but I am at my wits end on trying to deal with her temper and her lashing out at me. I am a single mom so there is no one else to help me when I am by myself. My mom is my day care and she is having the same problems that I am.
It started a couple of weeks ago where she will just lay on the floor kicking and screaming and sometimes even growling whatever it is that she is not getting or wanting to do. She kicks me and if I move to a different part of the room, she crawls on the floor and follows me. I try to keep my voice down but sometimes I holler at her. I know this makes it worse.
At least two or three times a week, she has a bad dream and wakes up kicking and hollering. Just last night, I heard her talking in her sleep and then a few minutes later, she had bitten her sister. (They share the same bed). I am unsure if she was still asleep or not b/c I didn't turn the light on. She was very very agitated. I just need some advice from an experienced parent on this! Her sister for the time being shows no signs of tantrums or the agressive behavior.
If anyone can offer me some advice on what to do, I would truly appreciate it!
Thank you.