
How do I deal with my anger?

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There are many people in my life that provoke me and upset me, and when it happens outside of my house I know I have to keep my cool. When I get really mad, I feel my body temperature rising, and my vision gets blurrier and darker. If I hold back, I start to lose the ability to think, like when I'm really drunk or in pain, and that makes it harder to keep control. If I haven't lost it by then, my head starts to hurt really badly in the front and under at the back. It really, really hurts. I don't know what to do about it, the more times I've been angry, the more I want to take it out on someone before my head starts hurting. Does anyone know anything about this? Do you think I need to see a doctor/psychiatrist?




  1. If you feel the need to talk to someone than trust yourself and do it, I doubt you'll regret it. The first step is realizing you want to take control of yourself. This question is a step in the right direction.

    When you feel your anger rising, stop and breathe, just concentrate on your breathing, stop thinking, calm you heart and then revisit what has made you angry, consider why it's making you angry. Try to look at it reasonably, do you have a reason to be upset?

    Try to spend more time thinking positively, it'll help you focus more on the good qualities in people, not the bad, you will be happier for it.

    Check this out - Controlling Anger -- Before It Controls You

  2. I would see a therapist that deals with anger management. After seeing the therapist, he/she should be able to tell you if you need further help from a Doc for Meds.

    In the meantime, try relaxation exercises, meditation, exercise, punching bag, yoga, or look into Guided Imagery.

  3. ya i think you'll be alright

  4. meditation, think, analyze, let the mind control the heart, not the heart control the mind, just chill out.

  5. invest in a punching bag.

  6. yes go to a doctor/psychiatrist

  7. go to the psych doc and say i belive i have intermitten exsplosive disorder, (do research) its where a very little thing jumps your nerves and makes you just scream and shot posibly break things and over react pretty much to stress. i take thorzine for it. it makes you sleepy but if your on edge allll the time it will just relax you. they usually give it to you at night for the effects last allll day waking up.

  8. Yes Go talk to a doctor/psychiatrist about ways to cope with your anger. Maybe try going for a run to clear your head or go swimming. Thats always helps me :D

  9. You may not need a doctor but what you should do is when you get anger before you say anything back to someone walk to maybe your room or where you can be alone and try to think it over, like what someone said to you for example if someone said like your a mean person ( i am sure you are not though ) just dont say anything and walk away and hang out with someone you is nice to you and understands and just tell them what happened and maybe that will help. Or else tell your mom or dad you would like to go to the doctors.

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