I have been diagnosed with GENITO-URINARY TB by my urologist. I have symptoms of frequent urination and constant bladder pain. The AKT-4 I am taking is not helping me at all.
I think I may have INTERSTITIAL CYSTITIS too. My bladder gets full very quickly, the pain starts increasing too.
I have stopped going out, my life revolves around a toilet.
I don't know to do, I just feel like dying! I am just too depressed.
I don't think my urologist understands my problem. I have shooting pain originating from my bladder at times, like someone is squeezing my bladder, it feels so raw!
I feel like all the nerves in my abdomen are exposed, I am not able to VOID fully at ONE go! I keep STRAINING to get the LAST drop of urine out, yet I still have to go.
I sit on the toilet for at least 15 minutes, even to urinate.
I feel like there is a RAZOR in my bladder !
My scan was normal, I do not have diabetes either.
I AM TOTALLY TIRED OF MY LIFE, Can someone please guide me?