
How do I deal with my hyperactive toddler?

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Our 1 year old tries to twist out of your arms when you're holding him (he makes it almost impossible to not drop him), and he refuses to sit still EVER! Forget about going out to eat, and grocery shopping can be a nightmare. He's very active all day long and just wants to GO GO GO! How can we teach him that he can't just run around where ever he wants? It stresses me out to be constantly wrestling with him every time we go out. HELP!!!




  1. He sounds EXACTLY like my son!  I have had moments of crying, thinking I was doing something wrong.  I have had moments of embarrassment as I hauled him squirming and kicking out of stores.  I have had moments of anger thinking there was NOTHING left to try.  He just turned 2 in May and last week as I was looking at him, I realized that he has actually become a very sweet, often cooperative child!  He has a very strong personality, is extremely active, fearless, strong, and opinionated....all of this just rolled into a tot that was frankly hard to control sometimes.  I was just consistant with telling him what I wanted, patient, and loving with him.  As he has gotten a better grip on language, it seems to all be coming together now.  People talk about the terrible twos, but I really think that 2 is heaven compared to 1!  Don't worry, your son is still a baby, and he doesn't have a lot of control over his emotions, or his actions yet.  If you are consistant with directing him, and correcting him, you'll see a big difference when his social skills mature.  Just remember he may be strong willed, but in the end, do you really want him to be any other way?

  2. Some toddlers can just be that way by default. firstly i would avoid shopping trips and do shopping online avoid places where it can be traumatic for both of you. get him out in the fresh air and let him walk instead of buggy maybe you could use reigns. he will grow out of it, I totally understand my daughter was exactly the same so I just walked her everywhere to burn off that energy. focus him on tasks where he has to concentrate drawing painting that usually works and believe it or not music ..when my daughter is so hyper I play music she dances and it calms her down. Good luck

  3. I'm sorry I can imagine the frustration. Consistency of your reactions will really play a big part in shaping his reactions. This is way easier said then done but produces amazing results. My daughter has behavior problems and is in behavior management classes ( funded by regional center) and they teach the functions of the behaviors she is displaying and how to address each reason. For instance whether your child responds to positive or negative reinforcement. Will he act better if you give him something for acting good or take something away for acting bad. You should see if your local regional center can help you out. It did wonders for our family. Email me if you need more info. Good Luck

  4. You kind of just have to deal with it until he is old enough to understand and listen to you. My son was like that. He gets better the older he gets. And he realizes that if he miss behaves then there are consiquenses. Its all about the corner, or time out chair. He is one so he can get one minute of punishment. Keep him busy with age appropirate activities. Puppet shows, dance time, gymnastics. Keeping them busy will be great when its time for bed and they crash.

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