
How do I deal with my parents moving away?

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I am a 26 year old female who is an only child and very close to my parents. They have just sold their house in SC and are moving back to OH. We moved down here together and I received a teaching job. Now, I feel like i am being abandoned because it was their idea in the first place to move here. Can someone offer me advice to make it through this tough time?




  1. just stick with your friends, make yourself busy, excercise [its good for when you have stress].

    just try to be independant.

    hope this helped=]

  2. Get a teaching job in Ohio next year.

  3. Hi, I understand how you feel. I am a mom with a husband and three kids. My oldest daughter is 21. Last August we bought a business and two houses 2400 miles away. It has been very hard on my daughter. She's in college and works. She is doing sooo much better now than she did at first. She had the choice to move with us, but her life and friends were "at home". I've told her to pretend she went away to college. She answers, why do you think I never went AWAY to college. It will take you time to get used the the distance, but please no that they are not abandoning you. You said you have a close relationship, there must be a reason they're moving back to Ohio. Even if it's because they just don't like SC. I'm not discounting your feelings at all, but since you an adult, they can't just take you with them anymore. How old where you when you moved to SC? Can you move back too? I'm not suggesting that you do, it has help my daughter immensely to have the distance between us. Try just taking one day at a time. Don't sit home alone thinking about how far away they are. You will never be happy if you do. Make yourself do things everyday. Stay busy. Then plan to visit them on holidays or breaks. Over time it will get easier and easier. Just please give it time. It will be tough at first. Also, be grateful that you have such a loving family. So many people on this website would give anything to have what you have. Good luck!

  4. It is way past time to cut the umbilical cord.

  5. We moved off of the long time family farm and my 24 yr old son stayed behind to run the farm.  It has been hard on him as he was so used to his dad always being there.  This was a big part of WHY we moved.  We both felt he needed to learn to handle it on his own, but while we were still around, although at a distance, to help out if needed.  

  6. It's time to grow up & move on, past your need to have your parents close to you. Focus on your own life, your friends, your loves, and being your own person. Your parents will still be there by phone, the internet, and you can go visit on occasion. You have to realise that they probably need their space as well, and that they are no doubt concerned for and missing you just as much as you are for them.

  7. Get busy

  8. If you like being close to your parents then go follow them.  But give your new teaching job a year of work and if you miss then come next summer go back up there.  I love being by my family, my husband and I just bought a house 5 mins away from them and I'm 27.  It's just nice to be near them.  It makes me feel whole again.  And I was an only child.  

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