
How do I deal with rude friends? ?

by  |  earlier

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I am a vegetarian and have been that way for about 8 years.

And for some reason unknown to me, my friends always find ways to tease me about it. Its so annoying. Whenever we go out to eat, they put meat up to my face, urging me to try it....and talk about how juicy and delicious meat is. As if that really makes me want to try it. They don't understand that I don't care how "delicious" meat is, I'm not eating it. I've told them to stop doing this but they never do. They joke about it together and everything. How can I get them to see that this really pisses me off?




  1. I used to be a vegetarian too, and I still dont eat much meat, I used to get it alot too, they used to go like "mooooooo..." like a cow if they were eating it. And yeah, it pissed me off too! Just try n explain it to them , tell them it's starting to get on your nerves, and tell them that friends arnt meant to question what you're like.

    It's probably just because they dont know what it's like to be a vegetarian n all.

    Eventually, they'll come around to you. You just have to explain it well.

    Hope i helped, answer mine? :)

  2. well if they don't act that rude around you the other times you hang out, then i'd say just stop eating out with them

    if they're really that obnoxious 24/7 - then you probably deserve better

  3. I really hate rude people and i can't stand being around rude people. It makes me angry and a bad person, but if i was you i would shove that piece of meat in there face. >=Z Anyone hear of personal space? I hate people in my face and i don't like people pushing things on me. So this makes me mad. But next time they do it just be like no its okay i don't want it i'm leaving and get up and leave! s***w them. If they can't except what you are and your life style then s***w them!

  4. Stop eating out with them. When they see that you're serious, maybe they will back off and finally respect your wishes. I'm not saying to drop them, but don't eat with them anymore.

  5. either refuse to go out with them and explain why, or next time you are out and they act out like this just get up and leave.

    or find new friends - some people think stupidity such as this is funny, it isn't, it just shows how little intelligence they actually have.

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