
How do I deal with the loss of my cat?

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My cat died yesterday at about 3:30-3:45. We're not sure what was entirely wrong with him, but my mom thinks he had a heart disease. I cried at the vet when I saw my poor cat on the table where they care for the animals there, and also cried when he was put to sleep. We received the cat's paw print and he will be cremated and placed in a nice-looking wood box.

First off, how do I deal with the loss of my cat? His death was so unexpected, as we didn't know he was sick or anything, and that makes getting over his loss so much harder. I cry whenever I think of him and all the cute stuff he used to do. It is hard for me to sleep at night, because I can't stop thinking about him and can't stop crying while I'm trying to fall asleep. I've never lost someone so close to me, and don't know how to deal with the death of my cat.

Also, the cremation box has space for a photo of my cat. My mom doesn't really have any photos of him, except for ones that were taken over three years ago. And even those pictures aren't very good anyway. My mom did draw a sketch of my cat a couple weeks ago, and we don't know if we should use that, or some picture, or what. I'm really upset that we hardly ever took pictures of him while he was alive, and we don't have a really good one to place in the cremation box. What should we do about that?

Thanks for reading,





  1. The best picture is in your memories of your cat.  If you need a picture in the box, any will do.  

    Death is hard to accept, expected or suddenly.  Your cat was a member of your family, your friend, a loved one.  

    If you want to help you get over the loss, how about going to the animal shelter and volunteering.  Perhaps you will also find a lost kitty that needs someone to love him.  

    In time the hurt will be less, filled with memories of your friend.  I am sorry for your loss

  2. make a murial because i had the same incident but it was my bro and i didn't learn about his death until a couple months after he died

  3. if your lost cat could come back to talk to you, he would thank you for giving him a loving caring home for as long as you did.........

    then he'd tell you that you will always have a tiny special place in your heart for him, just as he has  for you.....

    then he'd say that he'd be really happy if you gave the love you have for him to a new kitten

    go to the local shelter and get a new'll be glad you did.

  4. My cat got hit on the road, just broke my heart, two years ago and still have not got over it, my middle daughter had a wild siamese mama cat that had two little kittens in her window well , when she found them and picked them up, the mama cat took one and abandoned the little runt, my daughter brought him to my house, "Mom can you save this little thing", (am a retired nurse)  I did not think he would live, but now he is six months old and tears up the house and rules it every day of his life, he has devoloped into a beautiful cat, but will not go to just everyone, the wild in him I guess, but he wakes one or another of us up every morning abouyt 6 am by l*****g us on the cheek, or nose, or eyelid, weird I guess, but he has taken some of the pain away from losing my other cat, who was also part siamese, odd how things happen, we named him, Boo Boo Bear. Time heals and you must give time-time to heal. God Bless and Good luck to you.  

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