
How do I deal with the noise that comes from upstairs neighbors?

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I live in a downstairs apartment and I love my apartment but the person who lives upstairs is driving me crazy! I know it's not intentional and it's mainly because these apartments are not made very sound proof. It sounds like elephants living upstairs. I can't move until March 2009; that's when my lease runs out and I will definetly move then and never get a downstairs apartment again! But what do I do in the meantime? Does anyone have any suggestions? Help?




  1. go up stairs and tell then

  2. you cant just ask for a different room? well i would be pissed off, but i would handle it in a civilized manner. just leave a little post it note with a small to the point message. then say

    thank you

    -your downstairs neighbor.

  3. talk to them about it

  4. Call the police and let the them talk to your neighbor, nicely and gently anyway they don't know who it was. If you cannot do it, then try to put some large speaker and turn on your radio loud and clear so that they will know what you feel.

  5. I may be naive but I truly believe most of the time people don't try to be disruptive like this, they just don't know it's a problem.  If you haven't tried talking to them start there.  They probably have no idea they are so loud or that it's disturbing you.  Just be sure to approach them nicely.  You may have to be willing to compromise to keep the peace - let them know the hours you sleep but don't expect zen silence at all hours of the day.

    If that doesn't help there are some things you can do around the home to help quiet the noise some.  Get plants.  upholstery absorbs sound - use drapes instead of blinds, have lots of pillows.  You can also cover the ceiling with a nice rug.  Play some music, nature sounds, or white noise.  Maybe you could talk to the landlord since it sounds like it will be a problem for the next tenant too - and ask them to install insulation or sound board.

  6. Tell the landlord. Ask the laandlord not to disclose the fact that it was you who complained, however you do not want to be pointed out as the one making the complaint.  You have every right to want the noisy person to shut up, but you also do not want the neighbor giving you a hard time about it, right?  So keep it confidential  between you and the LL. I know this isn't exactly honest, but in my opinion, the upstairs tenant is inconsiderate, and may be irrational if you try to ask him to quiet down yourself.  let's face it, the tenant wasn't rational enough to keep the noise down to begin with, so he probably won't be rational if you ask him to turn it down.

  7. I would go get ear plugs from walmart we used to live in apartments they were way to loud our walls used to shake from ther music.

  8. 1- Use the edge of your broom and keep banging it at the top of your ceiling ( their floor)

    2- Go outside and throw a brick.... sorry shoe or something that says SHUT UP PLEASE!

    3- Go up stairs and ask politely  for them to be quiet

    4- When Saturday comes, throw your own house party with Boom box volume set at the max, invite all your friends etc. etc and see how they react.

    that's all i can say hope it works =D

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