
How do I deal with this brat?

by  |  earlier

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So I'm on a road trip with my grandpa, sister, brother, and my s****. cousin. She gets in these really bitchy moods and is mean to every one. I can't help but to stick up for myself or anyone who she is yelling at. I feel there is a better way to handle this I just don't know how. I feel so immature fighting with her. Ex. When we left a place there was water from the car and she asked if there was something wrong with the car, I answered and said it was the air conditioner. She got all pissy and said, stay out of my business and shut up. I replied I can do whatever I want so why don't you stop being a control freak. She yelled back to shut up again and called me a name. I told her if she wanted to control people so badly she should write a book, she could make the characters do whatever she wanted. Then she quit and glared out her window. Those are usually how are ridiculous fights are. Some get worse. Then she calls her mom and I'm afraid they spread around the family that I'm a bi*ch. I just can't let her be such a snob to everyone. What do I do with a situation like this?




  1. I would say the best way to handle this is to address it with your parents (how old are you by the way). Maybe they can say something to her parents on your behalf. Otherwise the best medicine (especially for kids) is to ignore them. If you show a kid that what they are doing is getting to you, they will continue to do it. If you ignore the behavior, they usually stop. Also when she asks a question, don't answer. You're just setting yourself up to get ripped a new one! Sometimes no response is the best response. Good luck!

  2. I think you handled it well. You didnt resort to name calling and you didnt let her push you around either. Your wit handled it just fine and you got her to shut up.

  3. Set her up. lol. Or just ignore her.

    But before you try these things, try to tell people how she acts when no adults are around.

    Set Up :

    Think of some kind of plan to let people see it when she's doing something like this. Like, tell the adults in the family how she acts, and then almost make fun of her childish behavior in front of your family. And when you reply to her, make your voice sound like you could care less, or talking to her is just using up your good air. Make it sound like it's an annoyance to have to talk to her. That will really annoy people lawl.  Take the water incident you said. Here, I'll remake it :

    (Lets say there are other adults around to hear)

    Cousin : Is there somthing wrong with the car ?

    You : It's just the air conditioner.

    Cousin : Stay out of my business and shut up.

    You : <Glance at adult in an 'I told you so' kind of way>  Well You were asking. I was telling you. And it's not neccessarily YOUR business.         ...            The last time I checked, you didn't pay for this car.         ...               If you have such a problem with it, why dont you either keep your stupid coments to yourself or just get out and walk? Don't want to? Didn't think so. Then shut up and enjoy the luxury.  

    ' ... ' - indicates breath of 'i-dont-careness'  lol

    Or everytime she says something s****./rude, you could just say something like 'uh huh, sure, whatever' everytime. Even if she goes like, WELL IM GONNA TELL MY MOM! You : Uh huh, sure, whatever, thats nice, okay.

    Over and over again. That'll annoy her and make her be quiet.

    Hope this helps lol!


  4. My cousin is EXACTLY like that but if i stand up like that i get yelled at and i hate it cuz she will set there and do it to me i cant handle it and i always try to be the better person and stay out of it but i just cant shes too much of a ***** it gets on my nerves and the bad thing is she goes to church! my cousin gets in horrible moods like that and she'll go in my room (when its like 8:00) and cover up with a blanket ill go in there and turn on the lite cuzz im trying to do something or whatever and she'll be like "turn that light off" i hate it..and then sometimes she'll call me a spoiled brat and she says i get everything i want (i dont it was just the things i had got from christmas and my birthday) shes so mean to me see im younger than her so she takes all her anger out on my cuz she thinks i wont do nothing about it but i call it Karma my favorite word i think you should (if u have a i-pod) turn it up real loud and just zone out dont listen to her or let her get you down  

  5. just keep doing what u r doing

    its not bitchy to stick up for urself and if her mom spreads bad news about u then spread some back about her daughter

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