
How do I deal with this gang of h**l's Angels listening out loud to "Blueberry Hill" right under my window ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Tell them to shut the h**l up, I dare ya!

    No, I double dog dare ya, now you have to do it!

  2. I know some guys in h***s Angles, they are SO sweet! If its really late, just pop out the window and ask nicely. They might look mean with all the tats but really its nothing to be scared of.

  3. Is it a joke ?

  4. Groove along with it.  You don't want problems with h**l's Angels.

  5. Put your stereo on your window and blast classical music, preferably Beethoven. Its loud and will overpower their music.

  6. Hey You !!

    I am a member of that great and nice family so don't bug me too much cause you're gonna be the one right under your window... with us !

    Nice ? Is'nt it ?

    Are You Afraid Of Virginia Woolf ? Euh.. non, c'est pas ça...

    Are You Afraid Of h**l's Angels ?

    sσ.~∫~ s'auto-détruira dans quelques minutes à cause du bide...

  7. pour a bucket of ice over their heads.  hehehehe

  8. I would lean out the window and say, "If you guys don't knock off that noise I'm going to come down there and kick all of your a$$es."

  9. o.O I'm not gonna suggest anything because it might have an error.

  10. Drop a flower pot on them.

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