
How do I deal with this pain?

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How do I deal with this. I really really like one of my best guy friends but I don't think he's into me right now. I mean he might be in the future but it's so painful to be around him with his girlfriend and it pains me. of course it doesn't help everyone loves him. Should I tell him i's too much to be his friend and nothing more, cuz it's getting to there. Please dono't say something stupid, serious answers only please.




  1. life is too short to think about sb that dont think about u.there r many ppl who r interested in u.have fun with them.

  2. sometimes we want things only cause we can't have them.  if you are truly sincere, then tell him privately.  either way, telling him, or not telling him, the friendship can not move further any longer.  if you back off and say nothing, then he will never know.  if you tell him, and he doesn't feel the same, then you most likely won't go around him any more either.  so, dont live life with regrets.  tell him how you feel.  you never know.  and maybe he wont act all at once, but what if after giving it some thought, he leads himself right to you.

  3. I wouldn't say anything if he don't act interested in you. If he does act interested tell him how you feel.

    You don't want to ruin a friendship for something that might not ever happen.

    If you don't want to be with those two start hanging out with some of your other friends or find other ways to occupy your time.

  4. ur not gunna win him by telling him ur so in love with him u cant sleep or eat. hes probly gunna tell his g/f if u do. then itl be a big fight between u n her n it will only bring them closer together.

    u need to seem better then her," the grass is always greener on the other side" u have that working to your advantage.  he isnt argueing with you over what u want to do n why u didnt cal back n other stupid things like that,  which he does with his g/f.  u gotta be sweet n s**y, hel have a fight with his g/f n ur gunna hangout with him n have fun. hel b thinking about howmuch more relaxed he is with u. n ur in!

    iv done this a few times- it works on girls like it works on guys.

    but the only way ur gunna be able to execute this master plan to takeover the dating world is to controle ur emotions. if u start talkin bout love n get all mad at him ur gunna be the same reason hed leave his gf.  drama-  its not a tool to get someone to like u.

    but heres the thing- do u want to compete for this guy? is it worth it for u to send his ego through the roof only to have the possiblity that hel choose her? is he worth that?  if he cant see ur the better girl then s***w him, ur the prize not her. its degrading competing for someone. so really think about it

  5. Aspirin...

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