
How do I deal with this person/class!!??

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I just recently entered my senior year and this year I decided to take a break from the usual AP classes.I went down to CP which I thought would be similar.Well its not at all what I expected and now I'm stuck with a bunch of obnoxious people and a girls who hates me and is always talking about me to her friends.They are always laughing and looking at my direction.At first I thought ignore them but its really hard and they're intimidating.




  1. talk to you guidance consular about the situation and maybe getting a schedule change. usually consulars will work with you.

    hope everything works out.

  2. Do what caitlyn said.

    I assume school has just started for you (just to rub it in, Im still in summer vacation). Anyways this has happened to me before when I was in HS. The smart kid always get picked on.

    Don't worry it will only last a few more weeks or maybe a month. This always happens. They are just trying to fit in so to fit in they go after and torture someone who they believe is the easiest to pick on (someone who stands out because of higher IQ, size, nationality,etc...). They just want to look cool in front of everyone else in the class (this is what dumb people do). In honor's classes, students would not do this to fit in.

    I know it's tough but it will stop soon. As soon as everyone get to know each other very well, it will stop. If you don't want to suffer more, I would recommend your guidance counsler. Tell you guidance counsler that you are having trouble learning in a hostile environment and it may affect your grade.

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