
How do I deal with this...????????

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How do I deal with a miscarriage?

I'm just so torn....




  1. Because 30% of all first pregnancies end in miscarriage

    it is nothing you did wrong

    its natures way of weeding out so to speak

    but i can only imagine it must be incredibly hard but i have never dealt with it so i can only offer my condolences

  2. Miscarriages are so hard.  I had one at 8 weeks 5 days, and it was one of the hardest things that I have ever gone thru.  It's a pain that no one else can understand unless they go thru it themselves. I was very angry when I had mine because never in my life did I think it would happen to me.  The way I dealt with it was I avoided all phone calls, I couldn't handle one more person telling me how sorry they were, even tho now I know they were just being nice, I stayed at home, because I couldn't handle seeing pregnant women, which I know wasn't very healthy. But that's how I dealt with it.  Everyone deals with them differently, but I will promise you this, as time goes on, it gets easier to face each day.  The pain never goes away, I had mine in 2002, and I still cry when I think too much about it, but life does get easier.

  3. thats a good question, i just went thru a miscarriage, it hurts bad,i still cry... if you wanna talk e-mail me god bless

  4. Oh Sweety. I'm So Sorry. I Know How You're Feeling. I Have Had 6 Miscarriages Myself. One I'm Actually Going Threw Right Now. :( There Is No Easy Cure Or Good Words To Say To Help You Other Than, Just Keep Trying. Wait A Couple Months Though. You Need Your Body To Heal. Miscarriages Do Alot More Damage To Your Insides Than You Would Think. I'm Sorry. And Good Luck.

  5. I know your pain. on May 29th I lost my baby. I was 4 months pregnant. and it was absolutely devestating. it was hard, VERY hard for several weeks. and I'm still not over it, and I don't know if I ever will be. Put your life in God's hands. He will guide you and He has a plan for you. It doesn't seem fair that we have to go through such painful losses... But there is a plan for you. Never think you didn't deserve this baby. That baby is waiting for you in heaven. And loves you. And can't wait to meet you and have your kisses and be in your arms. That baby is waiting for you. Give your body time to heal. Give your heart time to heal. You didn't lose this baby because you weren't ready. And never let someone tell you that. I just like to think that my baby is sitting up in heaven looking down at me saying "mama, I'm waiting for you, wait for me." Pray my love, pray pray pray. Talk to the Lord and let him guide you in your life, hold tight to your faith and dream of that baby. You WILL be reunited. Have faith. and listen to the song "The Promise" By Tracy chapman. if you go to the site below the song will be on there.  

  6. Try looking at some websites and lean on family and friends for support. There are tons of resources online and usually depending on the area you live in you can find a support group.  

  7. The best way to soothe your emotions is to remember that when a miscarriage occurs, it's Nature's way of saying that something was wrong and the pregnancy had to terminate. You're not alone, a LOT of girls go thru this and it's a tough thing to deal w/. A friend of mine had a miscarriage in May and she was about 4 days away from her due date. Be thankful you weren't in her shoes!  

  8. It wasn't the right time for you. Think like could have been a blessing in disguise. THere could have been things wrong with the child and the lord didn't want to put you in that situation. Lots of women have miscarriages. I know people who have had 4 and 5 before giving birth. Time will heal and you will move past this.  

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