
How do I deal with this situation

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Well I'm a 16 year old male and I am currently calling myself a bisexual. Now even thought there are men out there that claim they are not g*y in any way, shape, or form I feel that all men are some what of a shade of g*y(g*y, gray get it!) though some are afraid to let themselves feel that way due to the society we live in today and the way they were raised which is totally normal. Now my question is concerning my feelings. when i see a guy on the street or anywhere in my head im like "d**n give me a piece of that cake" and im usually sexually aroused by them. When i see a girl cross the street or anywhere i generally don't say things or think things like that. sometimes i might see an attractive woman ill think like "wow she's hot or she's pretty" but not often. I tend to respect women more and try to not think of them sexually because of the respect although the man in me comes out and i think sexual things. I tend to think that im more sexually open when it comes to guys, sort of like a man w***e but when i think of a girl i like think of them as to holy and that i need to respect them, its kind of like, girls-angel's, guys- devil's. so the help i need is to determin if this is normal, am i bi, straight, or g*y, whats going on?




  1. im sorry i didnt read it it got too long im sorry

  2. Hey buddy I felt the same way to,but I'm sexually attracted to guys,so that makes me g*y.If I see a pretty woman I think shes hot,but i dont get any attraction to her,so your probably g*y.

  3. It's all in your corrupt mind change your dirty thoughts in to more creative thinking  stop watching  things that corrupt your mind  you are feeding the enemy with in your self, aids is running ramped keep this on your mind

  4. Well, if you find your self naturally attracted to men, then just go with what is natural to you. It wouldn't be very good if you only chose to like women because society would hunt you down if you didn't. Just do what is natural and one day it might change.

  5. At your age that not too terribly unusual.  Sexuality is not black and white...yes or no.  Its a spectrum.. a range.  From exclusively g*y to bisexual then on to exclusively hetero or even any place in between.  At your age its not even set in stone so don't worry or feel guilty.  As you get older you'll find what works best for you.


    for best results...

    1)  Keep your s*x life private.

    2)  Always us a condom.

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