
How do I deal with too many problems?

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For three years I have been swamped with serious problems, most of which I am unable to solve. I am so tired and discouraged I would be much happier in the cemetery. Does anyone know some ways to survive when you are overwhelmed with problems you didn't cause? Any advice would be valued.




  1. Take a step back and a deep breath. I know what it is like to feel so overwelmed that you think you might explode. Remember the serenity prayer

    God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change,

    Courage to change the things I can,

    and the wisdom to know the difference. These are very powerfull words. try and deal with things one step at a time. Try and deal with what you can. Most of all, remember your priorities.

  2. When things are that difficult, negative feelings and depression are common secondary effects. In that case, you might just need to try a low dose anti-depressant for a few months, and you should be able to get through this difficcult period. That will require you to go to a medical doctor, tell them your feelings of despair or however you want to describe them,  and they will steer you in the correct direction.

  3. hit a pillow it will release stress and ste ur mine straight

  4. It depends on your problems. If they're mental problems then you should see a psychiatrist. That's what I did and my problems are almost gone because I'm on meds. Their are a lot of great meds out there that can help with mental problems. But you must see a psychiatrist 1st and work with them.

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