
How do I decide if I should move again?

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I am a NY native, lived in Los Angeles for a few years and returned back to NY a few years ago. The thing is, I really miss living in CA and when I went there this past weekend, I really loved it. I didn't want to leave. I'm not too happy living here in NY, except for the fact that my family are all here. I am working for the airlines in NY and could easily transfer if I decide to move back. My money situation isn't that great, but I plan on saving alot before I do anything. How do I get a game plan?

Any suggestions? Thanks.




  1. Gee, another useless, rude, snide remark by WoE. What a surprise. I think HIS game plan should be to move away, since he obviously doesn't like it here.

    Game Plan:

    -Start living frugally, saving your money. Don't eat out so much, find ways to save.

    -You'll need about $5000 seed money to make the move, which should be enough for first and last, plus security deposit.  

    -Start checking out apartments now, so you have a good idea of market conditions.

    -If you can transfer to LA, that would be great. You can save yourself a lot of job hunting, and then have your neighborhood scoped out. Once you know where you are going to work (I'm assuming the LAX area), then check out places to live: Playa Del Rey, Mar Vista, Palms, Santa Monica, Torrance, etc.

    Good luck!

  2. I think California is generally a better place to live in than New York. It has better weather. Plus, without NYC, New York would be bland. In California, we have San Francisco, L.A., and San Diego. That's three international cities, all beautiful, too. I'm getting off topic.

    When it all comes down to it, L.A. is probably a nicer place to live. But then again, I think family should come first.  

  3. i guess you had blinders on, or else you would have noticed the rapid decline  of los angeles  in the past 5 years..  it might get better if the citizens throw the mayor, city council and county supervisors out of office, and elect people that truly represent the populous. But I seriously doubt it.  

  4. I too have family in Brooklyn as well as up state N.Y., but many of us live in SoCal.

    What you must ask yourself is how much you need, will miss, your family.  The holidays are coming and unless you like flying back and forth, it could be lonely here for you?

    On the plus side is the climate.  I would think that Los Angeles is no more expensive than New York?  So that is a wash.  Maybe you should consider if you work at an airport, which one is better?

    You're a worker, you claim you can save money, you've been here before....ask yourself this, which lifestyle do you prefer....

    they are vastly different, as you know.  Think about a year, where would you want to live more for that time period?  Once you decide that, it's a done deal.

    Either way, two great cities.  Bonafortuna, Mike

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