
How do I decide what to keep or throw away?

by Guest56353  |  earlier

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I'm not much of a pack rat, but I do think it's nice to keep SOME childhood toys to preserve memories of an easier time, however, at what point should I stop? How many of you "non-pack rat" people out there keep many treasures of your past? Is it worth it to keep a magic 8 ball, porcelain statue, infomercial products, etc.?





  1. You should keep things that own a special memory for you.  It doesn't matter whether or not anyone else sees the value.  They are your memories.  In fact-if you have a room that needs a "special touch" you could put up shelves and display your memories there.  It would look and "feel" great!

  2. Have you used things in the past 2 days..if so save

    Have you just saved things..without/ forgetting about them

    ...if so say goodbye! :)

  3. you shuld keep things that are special to you, but not a barrette that you wore on your first day of school or whatever. i wouldnt keep the 8 ball, though. keep stuff that goes with your house now, though.

  4. Keep things family members or friends gave you.  Or keep the things that have a memory attached so whenever you look at it you'll remember what happened what you got that trinket. :) If you have a lot put some of them into a box and keep your most precious ones in the room.

    Hope that helps, coming from a 13 year old. :)

  5. It depends. Eventually the 8 balls usually go. I bet in 20 years they might be out of production (finally they have been around for 40 years already) and if they are out of production they may become valuable and you will wish you had them. On the other hand think of the space you will have without all the junk!

    If the porcelain statue is a question why not stick it on EBay in the fall? Start with a penny and put the cost in packing it may get lots of bids that way.

  6. I am a recovering pack rat and I have finally learned to let go of things.  I first determine how often I use the specific object.  If I have not used it in the last month, chances are it's not something I really need.  If on the other hand I want to conserve something because it has special meaning or it is valuable, then I start storing things very carefully.  By this I mean that I either display the items or put then in a memory box where I keep special and specific items.  Just remember that you need to put things away carefully and not keep them locked away with no specific purpose.  If these items mean anything to you, display them.  If you are keeping them for nostalgia sake, take a picture, create a scrapbook page and give the item to someone else so that they can create their own memories.

    If your closet or room becomes even the least bit cluttered and you find yourself moving things from one hiding place to another, then consider getting rid of things by giving them away or simply having a yard sale.

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