
How do I decide which rooster to keep?

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I have some black Austrilarps that need to be culled down to one & I'm not sure how to decide which one to keep. Do I need to stand outside & watch them to see he's the most aggressive with the hens? Who beats up the other roosters? The biggest one to insure bigger babies?




  1. hello =]

    firstly i would recommend not to cull your birds .. austrilarps are LOVELY birds . . . and shouldn't just be killed because because .. i they are pure bread sell them instead it will save their lives and give you a bit of money in your pocket

    .. they will sell for about €15-20 per bird. . .  depending on where you are cos those birds are very hard to get a hold of and people will want them for breeding ...

                        also you could just keep all the males (except the one you want) in one big "bachelor pen"

    Anyway as for deciding which cockerel you want to keep that is straight forward enough ...

    don't chose one that is very aggressive with hens or just aggressive  ...

    that will then come into the genetics of the chicks.. and also excessive aggression with a male to a female will cause problems ..

    *egg laying will stop and

    * it will eventually cut the hens back

    * and stress for alll ..

    chose a bird (rooster) which is friendly towards hens ....

    not too active wit them ( not over mating etc)

    but one with VERY good standards of the breed eg colour of wattles and good feathers etc ...

    ( a perfect image of what an austrilarp should be)

    also don't go for the biggest ..

    biggest does not mean best ....the one you chose should be "fit for the hens"

    eg not to big or Small  .. and not one who beats up roosters .. this is aggression  which can lead to fighting ....and shows he is over dominant.

  2. we had 4 Austrolarps hens last year and loved them...

    this is a pet chicken link you might enjoy even though it doesnt answer your question

    pick the brightest rooster.. the one with the best over all appearance, doesnt bully the hens, but is strong against other roosters.

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