
How do I decorate my boyfriends surprise 21st Birthday party?

by Guest60313  |  earlier

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Okay so my boyfriend is turning 21 in August and I plan on throwing a him a party surprise party. He is a pretty big drinker already and he loves to party. I already reserved a couple party rooms at one of our local bars, they ask not to bring in any food but the cake and a couple other snacks. How do I make this fun for everyone? The bar isn't that nice looking (typical bar) so how should I decorate the place? And also how do I tell the people invited that they have to buy their own food and drink?




  1. Personally, if youre not permitted to bring food, then Id go elsewhere.  Especially if your being charged anything at all to have the "party" there. Also, if your guests have to pay, then its really not a party, is it?  I doubt many will turn up for an event that they have to foot their own bill for!  Instead of spendign money on decorations, etc., put it towards paying for your guests to at least eat appetizers if nothing else.  Otherwise, Id look for a different location like a hall or something similar.  Why not have it at your house...that way you can make a crockpot full of sloppy joes or ham bbqs, or kolbassi/hot dogs, etc.  You can then make it a BYOB party...people dont really mind doing can even ask your close friends to make something and bring it chips/dips, veggie/dips,  munchies, pot/mac salad, the list is endless.  Sounds like the makings of a better party than expecting your guests to pay for ordered food (and u didnt mention if they had to pay for their own drinks too!) dont ya think?

  2. Here is how I celebrated my 21st b-day, My girlfriend at the time told everyone to dress like pimps and hoes. Gold and purple were every where and the floor had (fake) money all over. Most of the beer was bought for me so I dont know how much it cost but it was a byob place. As for the food, ask exsactly how much you can have in the bar and order or make a but load of wings ask for help from other people with the expenses. And when you tell everyone don't tell them that they have to BUY thier own drinks just say it is byob it sounds easier to BRING your own rather than BUY your own stuff.

    I know it sound corny but give out prizes for the best "pimp" and his/her "hoe" that way every one has fun and will keep thanking you and him for a great time. I hope this helps.

  3. I always thought this would be a cool idea like maybe in golds and purples or silver and purples and crowns. Maybe have the main alcoholic beverage be crown royal? Since he will be turning 21. Get some music music always makes parties fun band or dj. Just tell people b.y.o.b and their snacks too.

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