
How do I delete my blog360 completely and start again?

by  |  earlier

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In error I used PageBuilder to modify my blog. The result is that its absolutely blank, and I can do nothing with it.

I want to start again by recreating my blog from the very beginning.

Can anybody help? Asking yahoo help for assistance is a joke - you get nothing but a "canned" response that has nothing to do with the problem.





  1. How did you use the PageBuilder to modify the blog? What base did you get into to do this.. because Yahoo does not allow any kind of style modification to any of our web pages.

    have you tried deleting that particular blog you tried this on.. the rest of the blogs you have posted should be okay if you can get this one off of your blog page.

    Try using the list view instead of the full view option. That link is at the top of the page where the blog is suppose to be..

    If what I am telling you is of no use to you because you have done something to the basic java script of your blog composition page.. then friend I think the best thing would be to delete you account and make another one.. because that would be a bug that it would take yahoo to get into your basic blog 360 composition ( the codes used to set up how your pages get the features they have to access editing and how they appear on the pages) and fix, and you know right now they are not doing anymore maintenance on our pages.

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