
How do I delete my yahoo music profile?

by  |  earlier

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I haven't listened to it in at least three years now, and my musical taste has almost completely changed since then. I have rated so many songs on the Launch Cast radio that I cannot be bothered to go back and rate them all over again because it'll take too long. So I figured that deleting the entire profile would be easier, but I cannot find a way of deleting it. I only use Yahoo for e-mail to be honest, I don't need a music profile on yahoo.




  1. If you dont use it, then why does it bother you? and u cant delete it, ud just have to get a whole new yahoo id, which would inclede new answers id, and new email. that is only way. but if you dont use it, i dont see how it could bother you.

  2. Don't waste your time... you might need it sometime...

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