
How do I delete songs from my iPod?

by  |  earlier

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I really want to get songs deleted from my iPod that were added by mistake. Yes, I deleted it from my playlist on iTunes through the computer but its still there. I know people that have gotten songs off there iPods before but Im still confused... Is there a way to do it?




  1. Delete the song on your Itunes library and then Sync your ipod again.

  2. well you have to delete them through itunes and then sync your  ipod ask one of your buds to show you if that doesn't work or go to the apple store

  3. connect it to itunes and when ur ipod pops up on the side click on it twice and a seperate playlist of songs on ur ipod will pop up and delete it from there


    Should be quite helpful I think.

    Good luck.

  5. 1.Open Itunes.

    2. click the song you want to delete once.

    2. Then on your keyboard press the button that says delete.

    3. Some window will pop up and click okay or whatever it says for the application to pass through.

    4. Connect your Ipod to your computer with the provided USB cable, then re sync your Ipod with Itunes

  6. You need to sync your ipod with itunes. If you've already done that then maybe you need to restore your ipod altogether. And if that doesn't work, call Apple. They're not always helpful but they've been able to get me through my ipod problems.

  7. when your ipods plugged in, there should be an icon on the sideboard saying 'ipod', then a sub icon for 'music' go there and delete the songs

  8. i forgot srry i couldnt help

  9. You have to first connect your iPod to Itunes

    and then go on YOUR list from ur ipod

    NOT the itunes list, specifically the music list on ur ipod

    and then right click the song you don't want and click delete

    what you did was delete it of ur computer but not ur ipod :)  

  10. Yes I To Had The Same Problem I Added Some Songs Accidently But For Me It's...Sorta Confusing On How I Did It...Well Here's What I Did All The Songs That Are In Your I-Tunes Library Delete Them Or Move Them To Another Folder So That Way Only The Ones In Your Library Are Added And The One You Had That You Didnt Want Will Be Kicked Out That's How I Do It And It Works...For Example Say A I Have A Song Called (song 1). And I Have Another Song (song 2) And I Don't Want Song 2, I Just Delete Song 2 Or Move It To Another Folder, And Only Song 1 Gets Downloaded And Since It See's That Song 2 Is Not In the Library IT Will Get Deleted. Well Hope that Helps =D

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