
How do I determine how much clothes I can put inside the washing machine?

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I have a habbit of overloading my machine, to the extent that the drum looks like it is about to snap off. Basically break.

I just dont know how much clothes is the maximuim to put int there.

For example my machine is 6kg max. But even when i load the drum to half way, the drum still shakes like crazy.

Does anyone know what im doing wrong?

And if anyone knows what 6kg is? Like in number of clothes/towels?




  1. I don't know what 6kg means except that it might mean the total weight of the clothes.  

    If you are only filling the machine 1/2 full and it is still shaking that means either the drum is off center or your load is lopsided.  The drum can be fixed with no tools.  Just use your hands to recenter the drum so there is no open space showing near the rim.  To ensure you loads are centered distribute the clothes evenly around the tub and do not press or compact them in any way.

    If you fix  both of these issues and it still shakes then probably there is something that a repairman needs to be called in for.

  2. you might need to spend some quality time with your laundry basket and bathroom scale.  While your basket is on the scale, fill it with what you'd normally stuff into the washer - note the weight of the load - adjust accordingly.  Weighing is truly the only way to know for sure.  If your weights are good, I'd do what the previous answer suggests.

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