
How do I develop telekinesis?

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I know to be in a state of mind to think of nothing and concentrate but i think of trying to do it and it is a problem. i have reasearched it but it said to "bend" the spoon, or "levitate" it, or roll it. Like one site siad "once you fell the energy from the toothpick roll it" or "when you fell the spoon energy (bend it)" but how do I bend it or roll it? Do i imagine it happening or what else I am missing




  1. Regrettably, there's no credible evidence that anyone has ever had telekinetic powers, as I said in answer a few questions back.  If they did, it would violate several basic physical laws.


  2. you dont they lied to you. your gullible and vulnerable. if i told you faires and santa existed you would believe me. theres a competition that if you have telekenetic powers they will give you one million dollers and so far no one has won 1 million dollers because there phonies

  3. Short answer: it's very unlikely that you or anyone can develop this power..

    Slightly longer answer:

    Despite that some may claim that PK was demonstrated by "thousands of people during thousands of experiments" at statistically significant levels, the truth is that no one has ever conclusively demonstrated PK. The aforementioned experimental studies are almost universally criticized or ignored as pathological science by degreed scientists.

    Note, you might see someone who says that critics of psi "fail to get published in peer reviewed science journals" but this is pure and obvious dishonesty. "Fail" means that critics have tried to submit articles and were rejected, but this is not information someone would be privy to unless they were on the peer review board for every journal that has received such an article. Safe to say this is not the case. The fact is, most of the telekinesis studies were published in scientifically shady paranormal journals which most scientists would avoid submitting a rebuttal to, and a tiny number were published in more respected journals which do not, as a rule, use their journal as a forum for bickering. Moreover, journals such as Foundation of Physics (in which a small number of such studies were published) explain that publishing a paper does not mean that the peer review board actually agreed with the findings. Even in Foundation of Physics peer review disagrees with the conclusions, they say they will still publish it if it is "of sufficient interest to our readership, and the exposition was clear enough that our readers, whom we assume to be competent enough, can judge for themselves" (see springer link for full text).

    The links below will provide you with a good start into investigating the history of psi. Have fun with these, it's pretty interesting stuff, but ultimately disappointing if you were hoping to be able to do telekinesis.

  4. Sorry. Telekinesis is an innate skill. You don't develop it. You are born with it.  

    This either means that you haven't found your skills yet, or you were never meant to experience telekinesis.

  5. I belive you need to be born with it , or else you would have to train your mind for decades to follow to get the desired results you're looking for .

  6. Put some food on a plate, something that won't go bad.  Put water in a glass.  Sit these on the bathroom sink, out of reach.

    Get on the toilet, so you can sit for a very long time without making a mess or needing a diaper.

    Now sit there, and don't let yourself eat or drink until you can bring the plate and glass over with your telekinesis.

    BTW, use a service to put in a timed call for the county coroner to come pick you up about a week later, so they'll get you before you stink the place up too much..

  7. head injury

  8. You're failing to consider one possibility--such things aren't possible.  If I am wrong and they are possible, why is no one doing it?  Why is is thousands say it can be done but not single person does it?  Why would that be?

  9. You're missing the fact that there's no such thing.If anyone could do it,they'd be rich and famous.I guess there's no harm in trying,good luck.

  10. uuuuhhh you should go jump into some radioactive waste then try and move the spoon

  11. Telekinesis (TK) is now called Psychokinesis (PK) in the scientific research literature. Evidence for PK has been collected and established since the 1930's when it was first studied in a scientific manner by J. B. Rhine.

    I have included links for you below so you can read up on the actual research.

    Despite claims that no one has ever demonstrated PK it has been demonstrated by thousands of people during thousands of experiments (many repeated) at statistically significant levels.

    While this work certainly has critics most of them fail to get published in peer reviewed science journals where the original research is published.

    There is no technique that has been tested or verified to increase PK. This does not mean that no system works just that none have actually been tested. I suggest reading up on the current literature to get a better understanding of PK before attempting any experiments.

  12. watch this video:

    this isn't the matrix fiction.

    watch it and believe it can be done.

    increase your confidence it is possible.

    and practice. the simple way:

    see the object lifting/moving. this is all: you just have to actually see it moving. and it will.

    those sites are talking nonsense and their goal is to confuse you, lol!

    remember? "there is no spoon!"

    but mountains were moved - they called it 'faith' -, so you can move smallest things.

    good luck.

  13. Are you Neo?  If so, then follow the white rabbit.

  14. Gee, I just read everybody else's answers, and I'm not even telekinetic!  Do tell.

  15. Actually, You Dont Have To Be Born With It.

    Recent Studies Say That Everything In The Universe Has A Connection.

    Thus, The Ability To MAnipulate Items.

    I Have Telekinesis It's Hard to Master.

    So FAr The Only Thing I Ca Moe Is  a  rubber Band.

    Its Really Hard.

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