
How do I diet when i'm a lacto-vegetarian ?

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Hi :) I'm Heather 19 years old, I eat vegetarian foods milk and cheese.

Lots of Pizzas, Garlic breads, Chocolate, milkshakes,ice cream and tasty foods!(he he) I really want to make a lifestyle change, I Don't believe in diets but I find it hard to make that switch! So please share your ideas, opinions and thoughts... Thanks so much!!




  1. It's quite simple. Eat less, exercise more.

    Try this: eat salad before each meal. Use vinegar and oil, nothing creamy, to dress it.

    That should help you eat fewer calories without going hungry. Greens fill you up well.

  2. Look again at the word VEGEtarian!  It is much more than not eating meat. It means that you eat VEGETABLES!!!  Sounds like you are being lured by an unbalanced selection of pizzas breads and other carb heavy items, and ignoring your friends --- veggies!!!! .

    Think more about eating COLORFULLY!  eat only ONE white or beige thing per meal  (pizza OR bread)  (Bread OR Pasta)  but not BOTH.  

    Make it your goal to eat at least three different colors at each meal.  Fill up on bright colored veggies -- steamed broccoli, bright carrots, tomatoes, colorful peppers, zucchini, fresh spinach, and more. This is a great season for farm fresh local produce. Include fruits too Plums, Peaches, Cantaloupe, cherries and berries are great this time of year.  Fruits and veggies have antioxidants, vitamins and fiber you arent getting from your beige bread or pizza crust.

    Go to your local farm market and ask the growers for recipes using their produce.  THEY know best!  Eating local from growers nearby is just as helpful to the environment, as veggie eating is to animals! Shipping food across country costs billions of gallons of gas, and produces exhaust pollution. Support a farmer in the community you live in!!!!

  3. Start subing in a helping of steamed veggies when you eat... That'll help alot. All that flower and pasta can fat you up pretty easy.  

  4. Suggest:

    1.  Select low-fat or no-fat versions of the products you eat or drink. For instance, low fat cottage cheese or other cheeses and non fat milk, low fat ice cream.  Milk products are good because it gives you the calcium and Vit D the body needs.  

    2.  Secondly but very important.  Reduce your portions of food.

    3. Eat your green and yellow vegetables.  Continue to watch your portions of that, too.

    When on a diet, there isn't too much room for junk food because since you can only put a limited number of calories in your body per day, whatever you feed yourself must be healthy.  

    If you go out with others for pizza, just nibble, pick at it and generally, only eat part of your wedge and wrap the rest of it to take home. Sip water while others continue to eat.

    You must turn away the candy bar.  You might have the equivalent of a thimble full of it - that's all.  The rest needs to go back to the freezer for another day.

    Pick up one of those books that can tell you how much fat & carbohydrates and calories in each food item.  You will notice how little the portion is right away.  Record everything you consume for about a week and tally the calories each night.

    Determine how many calories per day you want to shoot for.  That's important.  Maybe talk to your doctor.

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