
How do I discharge from parole sooner then 2 years in illinois?

by  |  earlier

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I know i can be discharge in one year but I have nobody in chicago and I want to leave the State.




  1. Good behavior and possibly donating time to charitable organizations...

  2. Parole is a time when you're still doing your original sentence, but you've been given the chance to serve it at home instead of in prison.

    The parole board grants you this so you can start getting back on your feet, and can prove that you're headed down a different, better path. The period of time you're on parole is just whatever's left on your original sentence, so the length of parole time was set when you were sentenced.

    The only way to be released from parole early is to petition the court for early release. Be prepared to testify to the court that you've really changed, have a good job - or a good job waiting for you - and plenty of character witnesses.

    Good luck.


  3. You won't be discharged from parole any sooner than two years. You are on parole in lieu of being in prison; good behaviour won't earn you any less time than that. If Illinois' Truth-In-Sentencing law applies to you, then you will serve at least 85% of your original sentence. You can ask your P.O. for an interstate compact transfer. Those can take a few months to go through, so the sooner, the better. Your PO may be able to recommend a course of action that I'm unaware of, but any early release from parole would have to go through the prisoner review board. That is 100% certain.

    Call the 800 # for the parole office and you can leave a message for your agent.

  4. Don't kill anybody else.

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