
How do I do make-up like this?

by Guest63552  |  earlier

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^^^^The eyes is what I want to be able to do!





  1. You pretty much load on the the eyeliner and mascara.

    I suggest you pencil in the eyeliner the get a thicker rim around the eyes. Also, choose a really dark black.

  2. just put on TONS of eyeliner and mascara

  3. That's just a heavy amount of eyeliner.

  4. Get some black eyeliner and a makeup sponge. Line your eyes heavily with the liner then blend it with the makeup sponge until you like how it looks. You can add more eyeliner if you want it to be darker. Use lengthening mascara for your lashes.  

  5. use a goosd eyeliner thinly arround the eyes and then get a black eye powder and apply it in the shape you want then do the mascara.

    it's really nice btw

  6. Well I would try lining the inner egjes of you lids with a thick black liner then go around it with dark black eye shadow as thick or wide as you want then put some black mascara on ur top and bottom lashes! HOPE I HELPED gooood luck!!

  7. woah! thats a lot of eye liner

    well use a good quality eye liner like jordana and make sure

    you can keep your lines even.

    and draw your lines to where you want it to stop

    and fill it it.

    and finish it off with adding your mascara.

    oh and stay within your eye creases (corners) other wise it'll look sloppy

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