
How do I do my makeup?

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I am a total newbie at makeup so I would LOVE sites, advice, and tips.

I'm still only 13 and I go to a school in Korea, so I can't do makeup that really stands out. Just something to cover up occasional pimples and look nice. I'm asian do eyeshadow doesn't work for me.

I just need advice on foundation/concealer/powder/mascara and blush.

I have combination skin.

I would really appreciate it if someone could do a step by step

like what to put on first and stuff like that.

Moisturizers and cleanser advice is great too.

And is mineral makeup all that great?




  1. make up tutorials

    try one of these for any make up

  2. if your not used to wearing make up then its best to keep it as natural as possible.

    - Always start off with moisturiser all over your face (not too oily) but any face moisturiser or Vaseline moisturisng body lotion is fine. Rub it in and let it be absorbed.

    - Apply concealer to any pimples you may have(ensure the concealer is similar to you skin tone), and blend in, also put under the eyes too to lighten dark circles.

    - Next get foundation that is as close to your skin tone as possible NEVER GO DARKER! If you cant find one you shade go a tiny bit lighter. Apply this evenly all over face but don't overdo it.

    - Next get a powder brush, run it in the powder and blow off excess powder, sweep over face particularly in the T-zone (forehead and nose) and lightly over anywhere else on face so as nottoo oiverdo it.

    - Curl your eyelashes with eyelash curleres for about 30 seconds, then get your mascara and sweep it through you eyelashes evenly, brushing upwards. Let that dry.

    - Get blush that is the similar shade to your cheeks when you blush naturally, get a blush brush run in blush and blow off excess. Smile really cheesily so you can see the apples of your cheeks, the brush from there unwards towards your temples but not all the way. Ensure that it is evenly applied both sides and doesn't stand out too much.

    Voila! =]
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