
How do I do this? Please help!?

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I have a few discus and some plecos that are sick. The discus are floating upside down and have been for 2 days, but they don't look any weaker. The plecos aren't eating anymore and don't move at all. I've looked at them, but they aren't showing any signs of disease (that I know of), so I treated the tank with Stress Coat... but it didn't work. Is there anything else I can do to treat them? If not, do I have to kill them?

How do I kill them humanely? Please help!




  1. i read some answers to the question and they are not understanding sometimes they best thing to do is put the creature out of it's misery and now would be the time. like one above said clove oil is the most humane way to put a fish to sleep.

  2. if you put them down, use clove oil.

    DO NOT freeze them.

    People say it's the best way, but (in tropical fish at least) It basically ruptures all of their cells while they are still alive. Probibly one of the most painful ways to kill a fish.

    Try an epsom salt bath...that might help with the discus.

  3. You should call your local vet or animal shelter, or even pet store, to ask them what you can do. Because the fish are probably just stressed out. You might be scaring them somehow. Using a lot of different chemicals in tanks and stuff isn't good for them.

    I wouldn't suggest killing a fish. They will have more pain being brought out of the water to die than dieing inside the tank. Let them be for now.

  4. Stress Coat is not a medication-- it even says this on the bottle-- it is merely to irritate the fish, forcing them to produce more mucus.  This is a preventative measure that will have no affect on existing issues.  Before euthenization is considered, I would try to fix the problem...  Swimming upside down is generally a result of constipation, which is fairly common in Discus as they are laterally compressed (so their digestive tract doubles back frequently) and need a high protein diet (which is harder to digest).  If you can get them to eat high fiber food like brine shrimp, peas, or other blanched vegetables, that would be a good start.  I would also recommend adding 1/4 teaspoon of epsom salt per 10 gallons after separating the Plecos, as this will act as a laxative for the Discus.  Lastly, you may consider treating the tank with Kanaplex, Maracyn 2, Furan 2, Terramycin, or similar medications, especially if the fish is still eating, to treat the potential bacterial swim bladder infection.

  5. I have to agree that not putting them down would be best for the fish. Fish have a drive to survive, so no matter that pan they are in they want to live! Plus, why put down a fish when you can try to figure out what is wrong with it! the discus might have swim bladder disease, try feeding them a pea a day. That cured one of my female Betta's of that.

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