
How do I eat paper?

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i find it diificult




  1. I eat lots of rice paper but not ordinary paper.

  2. What sort of paper were you wanting to eat ????

    There are some types of paper that can be eaten with much pleasure to your taste buds, such as

    WAFEL PAPER also known as RICE PAPER


    paper made from SEAWEED

    There is an alternative also called


    you can discover and learn more about these edible papers by logging on to the web address below.

    If however you desire to eat paper's such as toilet paper, news paper, photo copying paper, and the likes which I suggest you don't , you could boil it with some milk and sugar and eat it as a alternative to porridge.

  3. just put it in your mouth and chew it.

  4. burn it first, then mix with water and drink it

  5. what is wrong with you!!

  6. You were neglected as a child weren't you?

  7. If it is an anorexic thing then I suggest you use water and unflavored gelatin.  The gelatin will swell in your stomach and make you feel full.  the only result after it dissipate is fingernails that won't crack or split.  No other harmful effects.

  8. Choco, do you really want to eat paper? I suggest that  you might like to try pepper, than the paper you wrote, it is really hard to eat paper, and in my whole life i never try it yet,but Pepper,taste good.

  9. Why do you want to eat paper?

    I've just realised why you might want to eat paper. Apparently anorexics sometimes eat paper as an extreme measure as it fills a hungry stomach but with no calories. If this is the reason you want to eat paper then you really need to get some help.

    The paper will do you no good at all. Please get some help.

  10. why do you want to eat paper? when I was 1st grade, my schoolmate always eat paper, he really wants to impress me w/ that..

  11. why do you wna to eat paper?? is it like a fetish???????

  12. Try soaking it in water and putting in a blender, then it will be easier to swallow.
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