
How do I eliminate roundworms from my breeding animals?

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How do I eliminate roundworms from my breeding animals?




  1. You don't mention what kind of animals they are so the advice will be general.  Since they are breeding animals you need to work with your vet.

    Work with your vet and putting them on a de-worming regime.  You also need to keep their living area clean by picking up f***s/stool several times during the day.

  2. If I'm not mistaken theres some form of antiseptic *** antibiotic powder available in the market for external application

  3. albendazole pills . anti parasit drug can help u

    use them for 2 weeks . one at the end of each week

  4. buy a bird or a reptile  it will elimnate round worms

  5. There are some antibodies available at stores that carry farm supplies.  The local Rural King has plenty of antibodies and other things for treating various pest in pets and livestock.

  6. You didn't state what TYPE of animal.

    This is generally speaking, with the worm cycle, worm your animals, then worm them again three weeks later, and yet a third time three weeks after the last time.

    So three wormings, three weeks apart, breaks the worm cycle.  Worming only kills the worms in the gut, not the eggs.  So if you worm three times, three weeks appart, you kill nearly all of the adults alive in the gut as the eggs hatch, but do NOT give time for the gut of the animal to be repopulated with eggs.

    Of course since you didn't mention the type of animal, it's very difficult to give further advice.  Keep cages or pens clean.  Or move grazing livestock to fresh new pasture, and do not allow overgrazing.

    Worm all mothers the day they give birth.  The hormones in a mothers body signal the worms to go into overdrive and populate like crazy, so they can infect the new offspring.  Notice that baby animals eat their mothers p**p?  This is actually normal, and healthy, as it populates the offsprings gut with healthy bacteria, and flora from it's mother.  However it also passes the worms from its mother to the baby.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

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