
How do I emigrate from America?

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I'm a US citizen by birth and I wish to emigrate to another nation, preferably a socially progressive nation like Sweden. Unfortunately, most naturalization laws seem to require potential immigrants to be well educated. I'm a 22 year old with a high school diploma (I took some college classes but ran out of money to pay for more). I'm willing to earn citizenship through military service, but the only nations I've found who allow this method are the US (the nation I'm trying to leave) and France (through the French Foreign Legion). Does anyone know of any other nations who allow individuals to earn citizenship through military service, or just have a more accessible method of naturalization? I'd appreciate any input.




  1. I wish I could give you some hope, but all the good progressive countries are already tired of outsiders coming in to their peaceful little homelands, and they don't make it easy.  Plus, a lot of people come there because they can get lots of goodies like free school, healthcare, etc., so if you appear like you're just moving there without a nice nest egg to prove your financial stability, they won't approve your application for residency.  A friend who escaped from Cuba was denied asylum in Sweden, and ended up buying a Spanish passport and coming to USA.

    Maybe the easiest way is to visit, meet someone who will "marry" you, and apply for residency.

  2. I see you've believed the liberal lies that you were taught in school. Try Canada, they accepted draft dodgers from the Vietnam should fit right in.

  3. Sorry, college dropout yanks aren't exactly desired.  I don't suppose you speak any other language save some Spanish phrases either, so you may just be lucky to hitch a ride to Canada and see where that gets you.  There are actually programmes like "SWAP" where Canadians go work in America in place of Americans who go work in Canada.  SWAP is Canadian, so you can't go to other countries, the Canadians do (in place of their people too)

  4. Israel. Do some kibbutz time, then National Service and your in.

  5. Check your heritage. Some countries give you citizenship if you can prove your ancestors came from there (in some cases, though, your parents, and grandparents-if they're alive, need to make themselves citizens before you can...)

    If you can get citizenship from just about any European country, you can legally live in any European Union country- that's most of Europe.

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