
How do I end a phone conversation without being rude?

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How do I end a phone conversation without being rude?




  1. 'well there's a few things i need to do, ill catch you later'  

  2. Make it clear the conversation is ending.

    by using a transition phrase.


    Hey before I let you go...


    Just to recap before I go


    Hey Thanks for your time, I have to go but I'm glad we talked about...

    clear indicators that state wrap it up.

  3. "Hey, well I gotta go cause my Mom is calling me, I'll call you later."

  4. Just say 'sorry, but I have to go, nice talking to you, stay in touch' if it is some one you know.

  5. no

  6. Hang up, turn your phone off, and say the battery died.

  7. u say at the beginning : i dont have much battery so if i stop talking its not my fault

  8. Im loosing connection! ;)

  9. Confirm everything you heard as a segway into the fact that you had a great conversation, then remark that you are interested in getting something else done. Wish them well or tell them you'll speak with them another time.  

  10. tell your buddy to knock loudly on a nearby door so as to be heard by the ratchet jaw on the other end of the line.  politely excuse yourself to answer the door because you're expecting company....

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