
How do I entertain this kid!!!!?

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I babysit a 6 year old and I can't not do the babysitting because one he is my cousins child, and two I REALLY need the money. But this little dude is so stinken hard to entertain! I ask him what he wants to do and he says, "I don't know" and when I suggest things he doesn't want to play. Ive made a WHOLE long list of things to do and he has said "NO" to everything! Legos, Coloring, Board games, Cards, Dice and a lot more! I have tried a point system where everytime he tries something new he gets a point and if he gets enough points we can walk to the candy shop downtown and pick something out or do something fun! But when he does 1 thing wrong I tell him To sit ion time out and he just tells me to take away all the points so therefore he doesnt care about doing something fun at the end of the week I can't get him to get his mond off video games thats all he wants to do but he isn't allowed to play all day and if I let him he will tell his parents he played all day and I will have lost my stanken job! he is so uncreative. PLEASE HELP ME TO DEAL WITH THIS SITUATION!




  1. In my opinion, you don't ask a six year old what they want to do. You tell them this is what we are going to do. Try taking  a hike in the woods, crafts etc Good Luck.

  2. Because miranda you are barley sixteen and a gemini....

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