
How do I explain my teacher's note to my parents?

by Guest34047  |  earlier

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My teacher wrote a note in my diary:

"*my name* must focus more attentively on his tasks in lessons"

I will be extremely busted if I don't concoct a lie to cover up why she wrote this. Any good suggestions?




  1. I know you don't want this answer. BUT I have to say STEP UP and take blame. It will show your parent that you are maturing and that you stand up for your action OR your in-actions.

  2. Yes: DON'T LIE!  Pay better attention in class and do your best.  It pays off in the long run!

  3. my friend wrote it :]

    or, shes doing drugs

    or, mommm whyd u write this in my diary??


  4. dont lie. if you lie you'll carry the weight of the guilt as you look at your parents' faces and your conscience will tell you to confess the truth and they'll be angrier because you lied to them. tell them the truth. telling the truth will be a way lot better than lying. plus, if your parents find your lie lame, they;ll go to your teacher and you'll be in even more trouble. tell the truth. good luck!

  5. Tell your parents that you and your teacher, differed in an interesting "opinion or subject".

    P.S. At all times, tell your parents: " I understood A while she meant B) and try to "look sorry"! Good luck !

  6. Assuming this diary is to be shown to your parents, it must be that the teacher wanted them to see this.  If I were your parent, I would recognize any excuse you could give as just that - an excuse - and would immediately call the teacher to talk about it anyway, so making something up would just make matters worse.  This isn't the worst thing she could say, so I would just accept the admonitions you will probably get to focus more.

  7. truth will set you free. everyone has a bad day .

  8. Is this a personal diary or one that is part of the assigned school day?

    If it is your personal book then keep it at home, school is for studying.

    If it is part of a school assignment then there must have been a reason as to why she wrote it. Were you off task? If you were then tell the truth. Its okay to be distracted sometimes, admit it. Maybe you don't know why she wrote it? Ask your teacher what her reason was for writing that. Did she tell you to show your mom? Is this something that is written on a lot of your work? If you not paying attention is something that you hear all of the time and you are easily distracted then you need to talk to your parents about a possible attention problem.

    If you can explain your teacher's note to your parents, then do it. Better it coming from you than someone else.

  9. You will get in more trouble if you lie. Just show her the note and discuss it from there. Maybe you were just having a hard week and couldn't focus.

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