
How do I explain "the birds & the bees to my 7 year old son without being probed by more qestions.?

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How do I explain "the birds & the bees to my 7 year old son without being probed by more qestions.?




  1. More questions are good!   You want him to ask questions, and then give him answers.

    If you figure out how to tell him about procreation where he does not ask a question of you, you can bet he will be asking the question from someone else, and they probably won't be giving an answer that you like (or is even factual)

  2. Even if you did explain this to him right now, he wouldn't understand most of it because I'm pretty sure that when I was seven I was just beginning to realize that other people looked different than me, I didn't exactly care why. I think you should just keep shut for a little bit longer, because he's going to learn it in 4th or 5th grade anyway. When that time comes, he'll learn what it is properly, so you don't have to explain it, just leave it to the teachers, lol.

  3. That's too young.

  4. Yeah I don't think that this age is quite ready yet. My 10 year old cousin was told about it and now is totally fixed on the idea and he can't shut his yap for 1 second so he tells you EVER thing he knows. I would wait until he is alittle older.

  5. What's wrong with more questions?

    If they are old enough to ask, they are old enough to handle the (age appropriate version of the) answer.

  6. I agree with the person above me. Your son doesn't need to know at such a young age. I'd tell him when he's a p*****n at least, he might even learn about it from school, about fifth grade, so I wouldn't worry about explaining it.

  7. Judging by his age I reckon something like this should be effective since "ewwww, girls!" is quite prevalent at this age.:-)

    "Son, when a mom and a dad love each other very much and they want to have a family, they give a great big hug and kiss each other behind closed doors. You see, the door being closed is the most important part, because without that a baby can't be made!"

    You can adapt this how you want, but you know what i'm getting at. He's far too young for the proper details yet. Judging by how I was at 7, the fact that you have to hug and kiss a girl would be suffieciently weird to him to make him stop asking. I hope that helps!

  8. Tell him that a baby is made when a mum and dad/ a man and a lady love each other very much and want to have a baby. Tell him that God puts the baby in the mummy's tummy, and then the baby grows, and that the doctor takes it out at the hospital. If he asks you further probing questions - eg 'How does God put the baby in there?' just tell him that he will learn about that when he is older.

  9. I dont think he needs to know. Wait a few more months because at this age (im guessing grade 2 or 3) "eww girls" is what the boys all say and think.

  10. Don't even tell him, h**l learn from his friends eventually when the time is right.

  11. i agree with "secret storyteller" he's a bit young wait till he's maybe 10 or 11 or when he's hitting pubety

    Hope i helped



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