
How do I explain this prank gone wrong? Was I cruel?

by  |  earlier

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Well recently had a flash of immaturity and sent an email to my mother that I changed my mind about joining the coast guard and decided to become a cat herder and even sent her this video

I was hoping she would get the joke, yet she fell for it :(. So she called the recruiter and left a panicked message about me wanting to quit. I get the feeling she did not tell them the whole story about the email, just about if I really did decide to quit. So how am I going to explain this one to my recruiter, that I still am going in and that I was joking and not look like a immature jack-o?

PS she send a copy to my father. He was laughing when I got him on the phone to explain. At least someone got something out of it.




  1. Wow your mom blows things out of proportion doesn't she?

    That was funny , i was cracking up. You were not cruel, it was not mean, your mom needs to take a chill pill.

    Heck i wanna be a cat hearder too!!

  2. How did your mom read that and ACTUALLY think you were becoming a cat herder?? HAHA.. thats hilarious.. just explain the situation that you were sending a funny video and said that you had jokingly said you would do that as a profession and that your mom didnt read the entire email before she went into panic mode and got confused.  

  3. LOL

  4. dee, dee, dee!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Haha, nice! Have you read catch-22? Yossarian the main character in the book is in a Hospital for near jaundice (by choice), and he would send his parents cryptic messeges, by censoring his own letters. He took out every word in a two page message, that wasn't: and, the, it, or I.

    Sounds like you got yourself a situation. Tell your recruiter that you have no plans on quitting and that it was just a joke that you thought your mom might've understood, which isn't the case. It may sound immature, but it's closure.


  6. This is hilarious. Show a copy of the email to your recruiter. haha.

  7. Since she bought THAT one, I have a bridge in Frisco I'll sell her. Did she by chance do a lot of drugs in the 60s? Is she blonde?? Just tell your recruiter, I guarantee he'll bust a gut! Probably boost you up a notch or two.

  8. OMG that is the funniest **** i have heard in a long time hahahah, i seriously can't quit laughing hahah....  

  9. That is the funniest thing I've ever read.  Hahahah.

  10. Just tell them what happened theres nohing else you can do.

  11. Lol wow how did your mom not get that, especially with the video.  Just tell the recruiter that it was a joke.  Say you were just messing around with her, and that you thought being a cat herder sounded hilarious, so you just wanted to mess with her.  Its not immature, its just a harmless joke.  The recruiter should understand.  Its not like it was hurtful, or done in spite or anything.  You could have a tough recruiter, who doesn't really have a sense of humor, in which case it might be harder to explain, but most people can see that it was just for a bit of fun.  

    Don't worry, you should be fine.  And its not cruel, you couldn't have expected your mother to take it that seriously.  Its obvious you were just joking, and wanted to give her a laugh, though that apparently didnt work lol.  

    Good luck

  12. That's funny as h**l!

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