
How do I explain this to my dad?

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It was midnight and I was hanging out with my friends but one of them was at home asleep. So my one of my other friends decided that i should try to wake him up and make him come out because he listens to me more than my other friends. I told me to stack two garbage bins, climb it, and open his window to wake him up. Which I sadly did and then I put my head in the window and put my face right by his ear and said "Wake up sleepy head" in a very disturbing way and then he woke up and had a scared face and pushed me, causing me to fall off the garbage bins and a huge clashing noise then his parents came outside and saw me and drove me home and talked to my parents. Now my dad thinks I have a "thing" going on with my friend. I am not g*y and I am not making a fun of them but my dad ignores me now.




  1. Be honest stick to your story you sound legit and don't change your words.

    Good luck

  2. my mom kind of thinks im g*y too what a bunch of bs, im very straight, ur dad is stubborn just let it go a few weeks and maybe he forget about it.

  3. That's a strange situation you've found yourself in. If it were me...I would buy a few old dirty mags off of a buddy, and rough them up a bit so they don't look new, and leave them sticking out from under your mattress until they are discovered. Don't make it a point to try and sound straight. Also, punch your dad in the nose for being such a dumba**.

  4. Tell him what you just told us in this question.

    It's perfect.

  5. just tell your dad what was going on... in the end i'm sure he'll find it funny. Maybe the next time you try to wake up one of your friends make sure it's not in a disturbing way.

  6. tell your dad your a young adult

    and that he should trust you tell him the whole story from beginning to end and promise him u did it because u were told to

  7. explain it to him. tell your mom. any siblings can also work. be honest. if ur dad thinks ur g*y than thats pretty retarded if hes not listening to you...

  8. Have you tried telling him the truth? Or you're worried he will ground you... if so think about this: have your dad think your g*y for the rest of your life or being grounded but will get a gf without your dad thinking she's a guy in disguise? >.^

  9. ...... wow ...... interesting. haha.

    well, explain that you gave into peir pressure it was a very stupid thing to do, that you regret it, and if you could go back in time you would just throw rocks or berrys at the window. tell him your sorry, your not g*y, and that you promise that you'll think before you make a stupid decision like that again. then go and apologize to your friends parents to gain their trust and your dads trust.

  10. tell them u forgot ur pajamas at his house  

  11. Nice Funny Story!!!  Just say that to you dad. So you tryed to wake up a guy and your a guy doesnt sound that g*y.

  12. sick!

  13. tell him the truth and expalin how it was a joke  

  14. stop wearing the eyeliner and give mom her underwear back.

  15. Tell him to chill out. Boys will be boys, it's just a laugh.

  16. Wow tell him it was a prank and where manly clothes and bring a girl home lol your busted  

  17. uhh, your dad is wierd why would that make u g*y?  it seems like totally normal teenaghe stuff to me

  18. Tell him the truth and if he doesnt beleive you ask ur friends to tell him.

  19. Tell him this story..

    thats it

  20. sit your dad down and tell him that you were sorry for what happened, tell him you aren't g*y, and that you were just being a teenager and trying to have some fun, and assure him that it will *never*(wink-wink) happen again.

  21. hahahahahaha! good job.

    that's the stupidest thing ever, why didn't you just call him?

    but anyways, just explain to your dad what you were trying to do, he'll understand.

    maybe he won't talk to you because he's mad.. unless he has other reason to think you're g*y, and doesn't like it..

    but just talk to him.

  22. when he cools down, just tell him the way you wrote what happened here.. and reassure him that you are not g*y. give him time, parents are often very tense about their kids.. they want to do everything just right when raising them... give him the space he wants and then talk to him calmly when you can.  

  23. I never had a problem like this before,But maybe i can help.Tell him the truth,And if he does'nt believe you then go to your mom,Explain things to her and then she will talk to your dad and explains things to him.Mothers are more smarter then dads(No offense),Do you really think her own son would be g*y?

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